
Need Help please!!!!?

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Ok, so i am almost 3 days late

3 negative tests

slightly sore bbs (which happens before period)

normally very regular cycles

miscarriage in april but regular cycle since may

what do you think can be the reason

i dont feel like my period is coming...

any advice is much appreciated.

good luck and baby dust to all.




  1. The doctors know the question for that. It could just be a late period, or you might be pregnant and not being able to show signs of it.

  2. Sounds like something I went through. i had less painful cramps and slightly sore b*****s when they are normally crazy! but about 4 ays after my expected period, mother nature came to visit! sister said that she felt like her period was never gonna come because she had no symptoms. She ended up being pregnant. So basically all women are different. Like everyone else has to go through...wait. If no period comes within about a week, test again. Good luck!

  3. Pregnancy is just one of those things you have to wait it out.  Everyone is always trying to find out so soon, and a lot of people just set themselves up for failure.  I know trying to conceive is extremely exciting and the waiting is so hard to do when you want it so bad, but honestly, there's nothing you can do but wait.  Especially if you've taken three tests already.  They say for the average healthy woman, you shouldn't get a positive result until TWO WEEKS after your missed period, even with the at home tests that say early detection.  Just give it some time and let your body adjust to what may or may not be happening.  Sometimes women's cycles change randomly from being on time same day every month to skipping a whole month from time to time.  I hope everything works out for you, but it's just nature, you gotta wait it out and about another week or two, I'd take another test.  If still shows up negative then call your dr. for a blood test or to see what your other options are.  Best of luck

  4. ... Baby... dust?
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