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I have noticed that our next door neighbors daughter is out of control. Are family is good friend with them but their daughter is such a brat! Like today she was screaming because her mom didn't get her new furniture so she started hitting and kicking her with people around. BTW she is also 11 years old. The mom doesn't do anything but say go to your room right now. She has given the mom bruises before too. I mean plz if I were that my I would knock that child silly because she deserves it. Aren't I right. Also on top of that she thinks that the son is the problem because sometimes the son teases the daughter but he would never hit her unlike her. It is like the daughter controls the mom. What should she do?




  1. Lock her in a cupboard

  2. first of all she needs to stop buying that child stop. take away her toys, and or electronics. take away privileges to her behavior changes. i have a three yr old who likes to me. when he is mad. but he finds out right away you don't hit mommy.

  3. u should stay out of it cause its not your child.

  4. What should the mom do? Grow up and be a parent for a change would be my suggestion. You can be a parent with well behaved bearable children or you can be your kids friend and raise spoiled, self centered, brats no one can stand.

  5. YOU should stay out of it because this is NOT your child.

    Sorry she is a pain, but the mother will have to realize on her own and take the right actions!

  6. How very sad - stay away from them and stay out of it. You are right but I bet the Mom won't think you are.

  7. I know if that happened in my house my husband would step in and really blast my daughter verbally.  Where did the girl learn to hit like that?  If I had to do something, I would hit her back.  Once across the face should bring her around.  Don't get me wrong, I don't hit my kids at all but if some one hits me I'm going to hit back.  There could be all kinds of things going on there that you don't know about though.  I would stay out of it myself but if the mom needed some one to speak up about her daughter's behavior then I would speak up.
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