
Need Help to be More Chatty and Bubbly?

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In my classes at school, all the boys are always flirting with girls, chatting and never really doing work.

I always have to sit with one of them, but one boy I sit next to took the hint that I'm quiet and not chatty at all.

Once in science, he was told to sit at my table. Two girls opposite us were messing around, drawing on their work and laughing loudly. That boy started talking to them, asking them any question he could to make conversation.

This kinda makes me feel like boys like him don't seem interested in me now because I won't talk! But I never know what to say, because there's also a girl that sits behind us, who gets really jealous if you talk to a boy she likes and butts in, bitching about the person.

I do talk to other guys in other lessons, because they just don't stop talking, so I always have something to say. I just find it easier when they start the conversation!

Any help on making good conversation and showing I'm not a shy person?




  1. Ok, I take it that you are in high school, right?! Take my advice, and this comes from real life observation. Those girls, that are chatty and bubbly, aren't going anywhere real in life doll. Those are the type of young women that end up pregnant at 18 and married before they have realized their possibilities. So keep doing what you are doing, stay focused. Boys will indeed remain boys, and quite frankly...all men give their attention to anything with an o*****e and a smile. So don't take it personally.

  2. Lols yeah this always happens at school! :P if you want to be less shy, you need more confidence babes! A good way to start is to start laughing more! Also what I did when I was shy was i gave myself a caffine boost in the morning, hyperness does wonderful things to confidence trust me :P.

    Erm conversation wise, well I generally go for the random approach, basically talk about anything! But as a starter try and speak on something relavant, so possibly music, or classwork, just get talking about things you know and like! If they are interested then good, if not, find someone that is!.

    And sound enthusiastic and fun! There is a voice for it, I mean I have an adverage English accent voice so like I generally try to counter the boreingness that comes with it, by speaking fast! Makes you sound good! With laughing of course ;)

    But if you are really stuck for ideas get people talking about themselves, and interject whenever you feel like it! You have no idea how much people love to speak about themselves if given half a chance! :P

    Try and make jokes as well, the best way to do this is through sarcasm or irony if you are not naturally witty :P

    Hope this helps, experience from the rough world of an English student :P

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