
Need Help with Bearded Dragons????

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well i have a Bearded dragon that is 8 months old and i just purchased another sandfire dragon around the same age and they are both the same first lizard keeps waving at her is that normal???. I was just wondering if it was ok to put them in the same tank and if it would cause problems. There both Females.. and the tank is huge..? Any advice would be appreciated thanks .....




  1. i wouldnt put them together because waving of the arm is a domenance thing and if one is bigger the baby will run and hide and the other one will domenate in mens its worst but its in women as well soo i wouldnt put them in the same cage trust me i have 27 beardies of all ages and  sizs and colors never put any together

  2. yes the waiving is normal. with females it is ok to house them together just keep an eye on them. males definetly not. get free stuff LEGIT!!

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