
Need Help with Employee Self Evaluation.?

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I need to fill this out and I'm confused on wording. I am not very articulate so I don't want to sound like a moron. Please help give me a general idea to what the questions mean and just an idea on how you would answer them. I know that I need to give examples of something I did, but some categories I don't understand how you would give an example.

1.Quality of Work


3.Knowledge of Job

4.Reliability and Dependability




8.Working Relationships

9Adherence to Company Policy

10.Customer Service

Any suggestions that could get me off and running would help greatly!





  1. This is something I never did like to fill out either. I'll try to help as best I can. Quality of work- this is how well you do your work,productivity, is how much work you cab produce,-knowledge- how much you know about your job,-how reliable and dependable you are,-attendance- how often you stay out  of work.-initiative-how you can do things on a job.,such as going above and beyond the job description.-creativity-how well you canplace things ina room, if you are in food service, how well you keep your counter clean and place things on it to  so it will be more handy for the public,-working relationships-how you get along with others,-company policy,-how well you go along with company policy- for goodness sake, always do this or find another job. I've seen a lot of good ,hard workers lose their jobs just because they wanted to have things and do things their way.- i,m not sure about cust.service . If in food, how well you provide good customer service to the public. I wish you luck on your job .Those self evals are somethings are strange.                

  2. these things are a crock o sh*t just write 5/5 for all of them otherwise your boss will be like "so you think you could be doing better here eh?" and them the b*****d'll try and get more work out of you......better yet write 10/5 so he thinks your overworked and tells you to chill out and not work as hard... hope this helps basically its not a big thing its just like,"how would you rate yourself out of 5??"  

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