
Need Help with Yugioh Cards?

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Need help so I can sell friend's deck on ebay.

and he has alot of cards.. need to make it 40-50 cards?

30 monsters

1 cyber end dragon SR

1 obelisk UR

1 stealth bird C

1 gearfried ironknight SR

1 gearfriend sword master C

1 blue eye white dragon UR

1 great maju garzett R

2 super conductor tyranno UR

3 needle worm C

3 gemini elf UR

3 penguin soldier SR

3 man eater bug SR

3 stone statue of the aztecs SR

3 kuriboh SR

3 felgrand dragon UR

26 Spell

3 scapegoat SR

3 graceful charity SR

3 pot of greed C

3 axe of despair (2 C 1 R)

1 reload UR

1 darkhole C

1change of heart C

1 mosnter reborn C

1 mage power UR

1 release restaint C

2 mystical space typhoon C

1 megamorph UR

1 fusion gate C

1 soul exchange SR

1heart of clear water C

1 sword revealing light C

1 flash of the forbidden spell ULTIMATE

15 Trap

3 acid trap hole SCR

2 dark spirit of the silent SR

3 trap hole SR

2 call of the haunted UR

1 sakuretsu armor C

2 shadow spell SR

1 radiant mirror force SR

1 Mirror Wall SR




  1. You really can't make a good deck out of these cards, they are just to powerful and/or limited. If he going to sell them anyway, his best bet is to sell individually. There are some really great cards in there and he will have no problem getting a fair price. I would but a few of those myself. Really sell singly.

  2. Well, i doubt you can make a deck out of this, i sugest going on ebay and selling the cards for there individual value, or make a grabbag and include a list of the cards inside.

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