
Need Help with my Life!!?

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so i hope this isn't sounding too complicated or whinny but hear it goes: i am the kind of person that gets really awkward around guys idk why but even after i have been friends with them for a really long time i still have moments where i can't even look them in the eye it is really sad and it hurts me a lot because i really want someone to be with i feel if my body just let me open up then i could be a really cool girlfriend but no ; into the big drama so i have a best friend who has a twin brother who i can't tell if i like or not but somehow i have random days where i can be really flirty and he started liking me and i was scared that so many things would wrong and i couldn't tell what my feelings were and i thought i didn't like him and i knew how awkward i get with people so i didn't want him to get hurt by me so i decided to ignore it so after my best friend confronted me about it and told me to go out with him i told her i didn't like him and it all kind of went away/

now there is this other really good friend of mine that came into the picture and he really likes her and i watch them and talks quiet to her and gets close to her and they kind of share moments together and i am so mad i don't want them to be together!!! i play it fake and say it would be great but i wish i could be that way with guys i feel like i'm falling apart i can't stand to be around them i am so jealous i don't think they will go out but i can't seem to find that perfect guy that i can be comfortable around it is my senior year and i have only had one boyfriend and it was before high school i have such a crazy life and i hate being alone i try to push myself but i get so out of my comfort level that i make things awkard or i say something stupid i have really bad mood swings i think or something because one day i will be really really flirty with him and the next i can't even bring myself to look at him or say hi

i still haven't had my first kiss (can you say loser) and i keep trying to act all cool about it saying i can wait for someone i don't need someone right now but that is a lie and i think i am going to burst

i need lots of help!!!




  1. You don't have someone because you're not ready to get one, and life won't give you what you can't handle.

    Ask yourself, what are you doing to get ready to have a boyfriend? Are you getting yourself to look attractive? Are you making time for your boyfriend in your schedule? Are you mentally preparing yourself?

    I know those sound like stupid questions, but sometimes you say to yourself "I want a boyfriend", but subconsciously you start doubting yourself, you start questioning whether your ready or not. This doubt doesn't get you in alignment with what you want.

    Oh, on another note, make sure you listen to the song from Aventura - Un Beso It will surely get you in the mood for love :)

  2. find a guy you can talk to, relate to, that both of you understand each other. Don´t worry about these tipes of things, since you´re a girl, a guy will eventualy ask you out, then you´ll have a great time at the movies, after a while, you´ll star dating more fricuently... and eventually you will get married. It´sa always the same story on permanent repeat, only with variations (much like anime, where the good guy always wins)

    but rememer to find a good person.  

  3. You do need some help.  This was rather difficult to read, but what I got was you have a best friend that has a twin brother.  She suggested that you approach him, you declined.  You were very unsure about whether or not you were really attracted to him.  I suspect you wisely chose not to involve yourself just because he was accessible and male. However, because you are shy and in general seem to have a poor self image, you are blaming yourself for a lost opportunity.  

    Enter another friend who knows she's attracted to the first best friend's twin.  They are hitting it off and you think you are jealous of them.  Really, you aren't.  What you are in envious.  You are coveting their relationship because you don't have one of your own.

    Here's what to do.  

    1. Wish your two friends well.  Neither of them are to blame for your lack of a relationship.  Don't be envious.  Instead be a faithful friend to both of them.  That way you won't end up alienating people you care about resulting in not only being without a boyfriend, but also without close friends.

    2. Confide in your two girlfriends about your shyness.  Ask them for tips on approaching boys.

    3. Nice guys often know other nice guys.  Solict your best friend's twin about meeting a nice guy.  You can be subtle about it by encouraging the other friend to ask him to find someone for the two of you to go on a double date with, or have both your girlfriends along for a group outing with several other people, including single males.

    4. Relax. You are still quite young.  Set your sights on college.  There will be plenty of eligible boys there.  In the meantime work on your self esteem.

    5. Join groups or volunteer to serve in organizations where you can meet other young people who share your values and interests.

    6.  Know that your life is what you decide to make it.  There is no prince coming on a white stallion to save you from being a wallflower and make you an outgoing social smash!  You'll have to do that yourself.

    7. Know that desperation is unattractive.  Be social, not desperate.  Stop designing a relationship in your head and get out there and experience real people.  

    This time in your life will pass.  You will someday meet someone who is worthy of your attention, but first you must engage the world around you as a fully developed person.  Work on that.

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