
Need Horse name......?

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Sorry the first link is the the gand sire

and the second is the grand dam




  1. Thats a good deal! Especially with the foundation lines.

    They have great legs and I confess to being envious!

    Most of the horses that come my way, tend to be rescues or those that need rehab, so that old saying is true

    "there is no such thing as a free horse"

    Sorry, I can't help you with names. I think all animals name themselves given enough time.

  2. the bay momma looks just like my "Abel" he's a bay thoroughbred has the star and everything!

    real nice pictures thanks for sharing!

    haha "the 2 year old uglies" that made me laugh

    i think she lookssweet, she's gunna be good sized!

    well i don't know if this counts but my friend got a steal i think with her black mare

    she is a gorgeous black mare a bucksin  filly got em for 900$ great confirmation, temperment and everything! she had it all! but no papers so thats why she was 900$

    i'm not too into bloodlines and papers just a good confirmationally correct horse with a level head

    but i think  for you mare that was a great deal


    i keep seeing alot of those "steals"

    people just can't seem to keep feeding or caring for there horses

    thats what happend to my horses.. the owners couldn't afford them and they were half starved when i got em

    people can't afford nice horses and so they have to sell for cheap

  3. they are both very pretty

  4. Hmmm..I guess I might be getting to know some of the people here now...because I did see the question to name a horse which yes, I must admit I enjoy doing sometimes.  I can't name my own so I might as well name someone elses..but when I saw your name I he did not seem like the name the horse kind of guy and....I was right!!

    Unfortunately, I haven't quite found my diamond in the rough yet..although I see many now but I just can't do it right now.  

    Anyways, congratulations on your package deal..Momma is very pretty and like you said baby is going through the terrible two stage...I really noticed the neck..but I don't think the long mane helps that much.  But I'm sure when you do decide to let us name them and you have your new pictures for us pick the right name...we should see your accomplishments.

    Good Luck with your girls and congratulations.

  5. i got one for free

    because the lady was bording him at my house but didnt have the money to pay us 100 a month so she just gave us him (name Redman quarterhorse) this happened again same situation different person (name rocky mustang)

  6. A perfect name would be....

    Black Bunny's Gift

    My best old mare.  Paid $200.00 dollars for her from a retarded lady.  Not being mean...the lady was metally challenged but had AMAZING communication with horses.  Her family watched over her 'sales' and she was forever bringing something home to work with and sell.

    ANYWAYS....I got Little Girl for $200.  Had no idea at the time what 'good cow lines' were.

    ON HER PAPERS...sire side...

    Two Jack Moon

    Two ID Bartender

    Miss Jack Moon

    Two Eyed Jack x 2

    Jack Eyed

    dam side...

    Watch Joe Jack

    Two Eyed Jack

    Watch Jo Moore


    Harlen's Tyree

    Cow to the bone!!  Was offered many times for someone to buy her for WAYYYYYYY more than I ever thought possible.

    When I decided to breed her...I had her researched and found out she was foundation stock.  All that horse...for $200 out in the prairies of Oklahoma!

    *Bunny is still pouting about Kevin's new horses*  I want a new one.  I know I could ride hubby's horse...but it's an appy!  Nothing wrong with them...but I like foundations!!

    Oops forgot about yours!!  Of course I like the mare.  Looks like the younger has the 'growing uglies.'  Would love to see a photo in a year....

    **EDIt...I don't know Horseybill.  That's how she was introduced to me by her family.  Back then, being politically correct was not  heard of in country towns...I don't know when I actually heard of autism, and I don't know alot about it.  I just know that lady rode a breeding stallion to do EVERYTHING.  Tied him to road signs when she was in town, ponied foals with him, picked up cans off the highway with two big feed sacks attached to his saddle.  She was simply outstanding to watch work with horses.  If she could have 'bottled' what she had naturally...she'd have been a rich rich lady.

  7. I like the momma!! She looks really nice! My best deal, I got a old Appy mare that would ride with just the rope around her neck or leg ques. Awsome mare!! I got her for 300.00$ The jerk who had her,(she was all bones) he was a horse trader. &  the man I worked for,another horse trade, told him to sell her ot me instead of taking her to the action. At that time the meatman went there.  I was able to ride with my little one safely, when she was VERY little. Great mare!!!!! When we moved to OR I found(had to, mom would only keep1. I had 4 at the time) her a great home, giving rides to disabled(sp?) kids. She was one of the best horses I have ever rode!

  8. I think all my horses were good deals.  I paid $350 for my first one (registered TB, fully trained but had a few "issues"...nothing major though), $25 for my second one (although he ended up costing me $2500 eventually in vet bills when he had a run-in with a barbed wire fence so that was NOT a good deal), and the last one I got for free.  She's an Appendix, her sire is Cooke County Etc. but I can't remember her mom's registered names.  She wasn't anything particularly special but they made one h**l of a horse.  Best horse I've ever had by far.  Can't beat free!

    I like your horses, that mare looks to be put together real nice.  Hard to tell with the filly...I can NOT judge conformation on young horses.  I'm not a huge sucker for bloodlines, but some people are so I think in that respect you got a h**l of a deal too!

  9. I bought a black tobiano filly that is the granddaughter of the APHA Strait From Texas for $275.  Here's her Picture :

    And I bought a Smart Little Lena Grandson for $300. Here's his picture:

    They were both weanlings when I bought them at a horse sale.

    Black Bunny, maybe she was autistic instead of retarded. From your second description of her, I would definitely say she was autistic.

  10. I like them. The filly will definately fill out well...

    Best deal I ever made... I'm stuck between two.

    Got a mare (and accidental foal) for $1800. And trained the mare for barrels and such.

    Got the gelding for $650 and then found out that he was a good cow horse.

    You made a pretty kick-butt deal with those two. I'm impressed.

    Edit: I think you should keep "Bay B" for the foal. It's a unique way to call it baby.

  11. I think you got a freakin amazing deal!

    They could use some groceries, but hey.

    Terrific, foundation lines for $600 each?

    Ha! you can't beat that with a stick!!


    I can't get close to that for a best deal, sorry  :(

  12. theire nice looking they look really sound on the baby there is like a thing of lighting on her forehead the mom looks like ther is a diamond on her forehead

  13. He he kevin, I thought when I first saw the question...WHAT! kevin is asking a "name my horse" question.!!!!...LOLOLOL too funny, Well I really like your mare, she just has a list of wonderful qualities, the filly needs some But Im sure you will take care of that. Im not fond of her head but she has an awesome pair of front legs on her, beautiful pastern angle, nice hooves and clean clean legs. I think ya got a pretty good deal.

  14. okay so i got a buckskin mini colt given to me. reg for 20 bucks and took him to one show and he won champion. took him another and another he kept getting supreme and champion, ended up that my friends had put their mare in foal to one of their friends mini champagne buckskin stallions. and produced him. needless to say i sold him 4 months later for a tidy sum of 7500 to some idiot.

    cute horses by the way, keep feeding that filly!!! and call her STARLIGHT

  15. if the horse is a girlthan annie

    if the horse is a boy andie

  16. best horse deal was when my dad took me to Lexingtom Va and bought me a horse... nicknamed her princess Lu Lu

  17. OMG i was bout to have a break down! and tear ya a new hole for scaring me like that!?! ( i thought you went to the dark side and started asking THOSE type questions, LOL)

    okay best horse deal? well my parents got the best deal . . . dad bought a horse(the riding lesson horse) for me, i never asked how much the horse cost(it was a gift) but it must have been good if he put an offer in for the horse.  so he was told to take me to lessons, pick up milk and bread and take me home... instead he took me to lessons, placed a bid on a horse, bought the milk and bread and took me home. . . a week later they called my mother and said:

    "congrats! you wont the bid for the horse and she's yours", mother hit the floor and said," WHAT horse??!?!?!?!"

    and that's how that story went. . . i know it's not exactly what you were asking for, but it's the closest i have. . . only owned 2 horses for longer then 2-4 months.

    lol i am happy to hear bout your good deal tho, so there's hope for me when i go looking for a horse.

    oh snap, the pics finally down loaded. . . that was a good deal. lol, it's late.

  18. I got a reg. paso fino mare that was 6yrs old. Awesome ride and anyone could handle her. I got her for FREE. I sold her later for $4000. I recently got an AQHA mare named Rare Star od Nashwan. She is bred to the 10's. She has a bay colt at her side out of Planertary. Look up their names on You will be amazed at the breeding. I got the pair for $1000. I also had a double reg buckskin AQHA gelding that was trained and shown WP for $500. We sold him for $3500.

  19. OMG they are absolutly gorgeous! you are so lucky!

  20. I really like the looks of the mare, but will hold my judgment of the filly until she fills out.  Great deal though!!!

    My best deal?

    1984 I paid $150 papers included for a 5 yr. old unbroke King Fritz gelding.  The guy wanted him & his 3 half brothers off of his property & said if they were not gone in a month, he was going to shoot them.  He was selling his property to a developer & they were basically running wild.

    He is still around at age 29, dad has him at his place.  He let's the neighbor kids or the kids & grandkids of friends walk him around the corral now & again.


    Horsybill:  although I do NOT like Doc Bar horses, looks like a good deal.  As for the Paint filly, I looked up Strait From Texas.  Trying to find out where she got those tree trunk legs.  LEO!!!!  THAT was an great deal.
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