
Need Kickflip Tips desperately please help.?

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I have been skating for about 4 weeks now (after a break) and i skated for about 3 months before the break....

so i can ollie pretty high..i can land clean pop shuvits and things like that...but i tried to learn a i watched some videos and read some forums and learned the mechanics and figured to try it.

What makes me mad isnt that i cant do it its that i know excatctly how to do it and it doesnt work .

i pop the board and slide my front foot up and flick off of the edge bring my back foot up and back and catch the board but my front foot never lands it...and no matter what i watch or read i cant do it...i know what to do it just never works......plz help.




  1. u know what man i had the same problem when i first started i could always flip it and everything but my front foot would never land on it

    i have been skating for 4 years not so i got them down pretty good so this is a few things u should try first when are doing the kickflip try not to lean to far forward or backward u need to be balenced with that in mind try to hold on to a rail and do that but when i landed my first kickflip all i thought about was **** i got to land this and did it over and over and then all the sudden i just did it lol

  2. As with a lot of things, you just have to keep practicing until for some reason or accident, you get it right. Here are some things that you might be doing wrong:

    Don't be scared...If you're front foot doesn't land it, I'm assuming it goes onto the floor. This might be a simple reaction to maintain balance because you're scared.Try fighting the fear.

    When you catch the board, bring your back foot down on it first and then after half a second bring your front foot down. This will help a lot in the long run.

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