
Need Mature Advice ONLY?

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I had a job interview for a call center job at AT&T that was supposed to start July 28th. I never heard back from them and so I figured I didn't get the job. For the passed month I've been planning and preparing to go back home to California to live (I'm currently staying in North Carolina).

Well yesterday AT&T called me with a job offer and even though I said yes I don't think I really want to to be here in NC that much longer. My problem is the job market back in Cali is so terrible I won't be able to find a job like this there. I have no money saved and I'd have to be living with my sister indefinitely.

I'm just so miserable here that I know working will just make it worse. When I tried talking to my parents about how I'm feeling they just keep saying I need to think realistically.

I want to go home sooooo badly. I've been living out here for 6 months now. What should I do?




  1. I am 45 and life is hard at times, I understand wanting to go back home where your comfortable but if there are no good jobs you could get then you have to do what is best to make money for your self. When I remarried I moved away from where I grew up and lived all my life I was 39 and that was hard I left my job my family and friends and moved I hated it was miserable too, but when I found a job finaly it made it a little easyer to go to work meet new people now it's been 6 years and I dont mind it here so much I always want to be back home where I am comfortable but life changes and you gotta go with it and make the best of it, maybe if you work for a while you can make enough money to go back for now just take the job you never know what experiences you might get from it and new people you may meet that may help you like living in NC good luck with your life :)

  2. Your parents do have a must keep in mind ...if you go back how will you support yourself ..will living with your sister be a good idea...Would you not stay where you are and take that job...then save like then you will be able to go back with some money in you pocket and it will keep you for a while until you get a job..I understand it's hard when you are not happy in a place but what has going back got to offer you...think these things through before you do anything.

  3. You should probably take the job and stick it out for a while.  To me, sticking it out is better than being broke.  Besides AT&T is a world wide company and there may be the possibility of a transfer if you're there for a while.  Good luck with whatever decision you make!

  4. Work the job for a few months, save some $$, then if its absolutey unbearable, then move but save enough $$ so that u wont be so dependent on somebody elses income. You are an adult now, time to take responsibility and do things regaredless of how you feel sometimes..

  5. I can only tell you what I would do. You have to make up your own mind. I would take the job work and save as much as possible get  me a nest egg. Then move back to California or see about a company transfer to California. You have to do what is right for you no one can tell you what is right or wrong you and only you can do that. Others can make suggestions to help you make hopefully better choices.  Good Luck.

  6. You just seem not to be asking for advice but just expressing your inner feeling.  I believe you are still living and thinking as a youth.

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