I have two res about 4 years old. A male and a female, and i know i have one of each because of the size difference, the tail, the claws, and the indention on the male. Now this is the part i need help on. I read up on the breeding of the turtles because i hope to have some babies. I found out that the female is larger then the male, well in my case the male is huge compared to my female. He is about 6 inches and she is 4. And i know that they are suppose to be 5 years old for them to be sexually mature, but the male is already doing the mating dance. Oh and there is no fighting or aggression going on.
Now the question is, since he is doing the mating dance are they ready to start mating even though they are only 4 years old and the female is so much smaller then him?
Thanks for your help and if you need anymore information just let me know.