
Need S3x tips? please please please?

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0 LIKES UnLike me n my gf did it for our first time...

exciting?!! right!!


i felt like i wasn't that good, but some points it was.?

it hurt her...

, the condom was so tight my blank was blue....ihad sometrouble keeping a ***** it was that tight


but, i guess what im asking is

i need some tips like i dont want it tobe that this one bad experience and never try it again...i think we'll do i tagain actually,....but i dont want it to be bad.

idk how to even make her orgsm! i must suck

and i think she thinks so too but its like a mutual thing

so i NEEdd some S3x tips!

wow that sounds awkward asking =p

but it wold be awkard to ask anyone in person that why i appreciate yahoo answers =D.

Any HELP will be very valued and considered.

-thanks everyone




  1. what a place to put this question in...


    but seriously, u should try talking with your doctor or an older male that you can trust.

    and remember, the first time isnt always the greatest.

    keep in mind the old sayin: if at first you dont succeed, try and try again...

    hope this helps..


  2. tutorials and trainings-

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