
Need Self defense tips, going to work at a Jail?

by Guest65121  |  earlier

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Im going to be a correctional officer at a County Jail housing mainly transfers between prisons and such. murderers, rapists, etc. as well as the occasional drunk and stupid teens who think they can get away with anything.

i know i will be trained their but am looking for any other tips on how to handle people much bigger then me. Im 5"11 and 215 lbs but i have a small frame. also, i have alot more muscle than fat so i dont look as big as others my weight.




  1. there has to be a trainer in the sheriffs dept. look in to that g-master sandman depty sheriff , mass constable, sgt. aux-police. mil-police -constable, process server. security , bouncer. body guard. former.

  2. and don't drop the soappppp

  3. dont listen to the three idiots   the first two are just idiots and the third guy is just trying to sell his dvds  but yeah he is right it takes years but some tips can also be really helpful

    1. be aware of ur surroundings

    2. if someone punches at u or kicks at u  dont go back take a step to the side now u can either punch them back u have open shot or just hold them when u take the side step there fist is pointing out there stepping foward all there momentum is going foward and ur on the side u can do anything u can go behind them and just hold them or  trip them to the ground

    3.  remember 1  im not talkin just about the objects around u im also talkin about the people watch everyone if the move alittle bit get ready try to read their faces be two steps ahead u should know if they are going to attack

    4. fight smart dont just rush into something  let them go first so u can take the side step  or just call for help  if u somehow do end up in a fist fight and u tried the side step and it didnt work  now ur fighting a real fighter  remember dont just look at his fists look at his pec muscle look at his hips  as soon as they move u move get to the side cuz he is attacking look in his eyes and try to read him

    5. if you get hurt  just run  dont try to fight hurt or u will get hurt more

  4. Hi there

    I understand your concerns but for lots of reasons stick to what you are shown in your training. After you have completed basic training and you have a rough idea at what you are legally allowed to do then take a look at the arts and see which ones may help.

    Best wishes


  5. Like some have already stated, tips and tricks aren't going to cut it.

    You need to enter a real dojo, as opposed to a "tiger schulman's", and train in real martial arts.

    Many of my dojo brothers were Correction Officers and the training they received was their life savior many a times.  

  6. There is no such thing as self defense tips, only self defense classes. I could tell you lots of tips but there not gonna be any use if you never been trained to use them. Using the internet and just asking around, find some sort of marital art class. Jiu Jitsu, Muay Tai, even Karate are good starts. They will teach to use your hands and feet as just as effective weapons as knives and shivs. Watch and/or TiVO human Weapon. They show some easy to pick up martial moves. But, like I said, nothing is more effective than taking a class. DO NOT take Tae Kwon Do. Is not effective for your type of fighting needs. Hope this helps.

  7. The COs I've known in Nevada have all said the same thing: their training is inadequate. Spend the time and get some quality training. You're going to have a lot of regulations on how much force you can use, and a lot of the judgments on that are how much you -appear- to use. Train to be effortless and use your environment.

    More often than not, you'll be able to keep them in line by maintaining a dominant personality. Keep in mind that you're in charge and you must remain in charge.

    All your gear requires you to be able to bring it to bear to use it: ASP, spray, etc. You're not going to have time if a prisoner you're in charge of for transfer gets rowdy, so find something that trains you to maintain a best position and remember that tying up with one prisoner may mean others attacking you.

    Good luck and be safe.

  8. Hi Gabe, the best martial arts is Ju Jitsu I used to train in the clubs. It doesn't matter how big they are it's knowing the right moves.

    Good luck in your new Job Gabe.

  9. I used to tell my students, "If you are going to play the piano like Tschaikovsky, then you have to train for many years."  What I was telling them is simple, if you are going to be able to defend yourself against an attacker who has been fighting all of his life, then you are going to have to train for a number of years to catch up.  There is no way to fake it.  There are no simple "tricks" that will save your life.  Self-defense in a jail or prison situation is serious business, so do not be misled by someone who tells you that you can just learn a couple of tricks and you're good to go.  Learn real martial arts, train regularly, and practice everyday.

    Years ago, I put the first five levels of our curriculum from Shao Lin San Kung Fu Temple on dvd.  If you can't find a good teacher who is legitimate, and in your case, you do NOT want one of those business places that masquerade as a martial arts school, where everybody and his grandmother earn black belts, then you might want to try our dvd series on the training at Shao Lin San  You can see these at .

    Good luck in your training, and remember, learn real martial arts, practice properly and often, and be patient with yourself.  Rome was not built in a day.  There are no shortcuts.  It will take time, but you can become qualified.

    Grandmaster Brian Gray

  10. Keep your tazzer handy.  

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