
Need Some opinions?

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As some of u may or may not know, I play varsity golf for the high school that I go to. And I was soposed to start the first tourney, but that did not happen b/c i got sick the night before. And now i have not played in a tourney for the entire season and we only have about 2 weeks of our season left. He told me today, that I was not going to play today, after he told me Friday that there was a 99% chance that I was going to play today, b/c this kid had an E in one of his classes, now he went to Saturday school and his grade went up over 20% on one assingment. I NEED SOME HELP!!! WHAT SHOULD I DO?




  1. Talk to your parents and see what they say.  If they are unwilling to help, I would go to the athletic adviser at your school and explain your situation.  Sounds to me that they are playing favoritism.  High school golf should be about kids competing and learning respect, and in your story none of these are visible.  Good luck, and GO BUCKS!

  2. Keep practicing and stay ready; the only way to get back in the lineup is to be good and ready when you chance comes.

  3. Talk to the Principal about it and tell him your story. In other words go straight to HIS BOSS! It may be throwign him under the bus but it's worth it.

  4. You can't do anything. You were sick the time you were needed. Another took your place, Whether he plays better or worse than you may be a factor in his playing. I'm not too keen with a coach who says you have a chance to play and reneges the last moment.. Ask the coach if it is possible to play the last match.

  5. I'm guessing that 4-5 people travel with the team, are you beating them in practice?

    Numbers don't lie.
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