
Need To Connect Audio Video Cords Into Cable Jack In The TV?

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I am trying to plug my surround sound speakers into a small tv into my room heres the catch, its for my ps3 and i dont want to do anything to the ps3 cords them selves just the tv. Is there some sort of attachment that turns a Cable Jack Into Yellow (Video) Red (audio) White (Audio) Cords




  1. What you are asking can't be done. If there is a headphone jack on your TV you might try using it to plug into your sound system, Does the PS3 have seperate video and audio out puts besides the cable output? If so you could use the seperate audio output.

  2. you can go to walmart and get a box thing that has additional ports I'm not shur of the name of the box sorry

  3. Is this coax jack an OUTPUT? or is it an antenna INPUT jack?

    I suspect that it is an input in which case there is no signal there to use.

    If it is an output,  you could hook up a demodulator to  the output, tune in the corresponding channel and feed it to your surround sound amp.(red /white cable)  Most stereo vcrs have a demodulator built in.

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