
Need To Loose Weight?

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Hello, I need to loose weight ASAP.

i'm 5' 8" and weigh 27stone (yes i know its bad)

I drink nothing but bottled water and eat only 1 meal a day but i'm still putting on weight!

I have been tested at the doctors and he said everything is fine!

Any help would be great as i'm sick of being fat




  1. First of all, most of the things you have learned about dieting over the years were either bad for your body, or just bad advice. For example, the Atkins diet craze was one of the worst diets that ever came along. By not eating carbs, you are not providing your body with the fuel it needs to function. So guess what happens? It doesn’t function properly!  Strip That Fat will open your eyes to what a diet should be and what it shouldn't be. A diet should be a lifestyle, but a diet SHOULD NOT be something that you dread. It should be easy enough to incorporate into your day-to-day and become second nature. This is the only diet I have ever seen that will teach you how your body works and how to manipulate what you eat and how you exercise for MAXIMUM weight loss results. Most diets you will come across will have side effects like feeling sick, unhealthy, starved, or just ridiculous (like eating cookies for dinner!!!). Strip That Fat will make you feel none of these. Rather it will make you feel “healthy”…that is the goal isn’t it? Strip That Fat includes a full guide to dieting and shows you how to burn more calories while doing less. If you burn more calories, guess what? You lose more weight. It doesn't restrict how much you eat either, which is the part that is usually the most frustrating for dieters.

  2. although eating less sounds key to you losing weight it actually can prevent weight lose... ur body realizes there is less inflowing nutrients so it retains fat to provide for the body ... if u want to lose weight i suggest eating three or four small portion meals ( don't eat two hours before u go to bed tho )( when you are asleep you metabolism slows down and causes the food you have just eaten to process slowly) and exercise three or four times a week( do not do alot of strenuous exercise it is better for your body to do an half hour of easy exercise than fifteen minutes of intense exercise and believe it or not the outcome is not always better because you think your working harder ) drink plenty of water and milk ( if u don't drink milk then have yogurt or cheese etc to keep ur body rich in calcium ) stay away from junk food eat vegetables and some fruits and as little as possible fried foods ... i hope this helps u ... i have been trying to lose weight for the longest time and this method has been helping me = D

  3. Hi there,

    I think you might be getting a little mixed up with what you want exactly. You say that you want to lose "weight" but that means you might want to get rid of some muscle too. You then say that you'd like to "shape" (I'd call it tone) your body a little which implies you want to build some muscle. I'm not trying to pick at your question - I just want to clarify the point for you.

    To answer it in the best way, I am going to look at it as if you want to get rid of fat AND build muscle at the same time. If you're looking to "trim" and "tone" your body, and espectially because you suggest you are not that overweight, I would suggest you start performing more intensive aerobic exercises such as jogging. I wouldn't think you need to change the whole way you eat or go on a diet because if you're wanting to build muscles - it's better to do it all with exercise.

    Exercises like jogging won't exactly "build" your muscles on your stomach but they will help reduce the extra fat around there. Depending on how fit you are, you should go on daily or bi-daily jogs of around a mile. To build muscles, you should concentrate on anaerobic exercises such as sit-ups to help build muscles.

    These muscle-building exercises will give your muscles the toning and training they need to grow and become more prominent. To start to see a real difference with sit-ups, you should be looking to do no more than 100 every day (more than that will often hurt your muscles).

    If you stick to doing those two forms of exercise - jogging and sit-ups, you should see real improvements in a week or two. Remember, you should do them as often as you can (I.E every single day).

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