
Need Travel Insurance to insure cost cruise fares, which more than max cover.Know any specialist insurers?

by Guest57309  |  earlier

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Once in lifetime cruise - cancellation limit on best policy so far only £6000 each ticket. Need insurance covering worldwide - normal ages, just high ticket value. Please help!




  1. I used with no problems.  From the time we leave the house till the time we return.  Good luck!!

  2. Norwich (I am not sure if I spelled it right). Better yet, check your local travel agents for more info as these insurance are readily available from travel agencies.

  3. Since your looking for travel insurance and I really doubt something would happen but I understand your point of view either book with the cruise line as they have insurance that is somewhat good and everything or travel guard and why would you pay more then 6,000 for a ticket? I could understand if your going around the world but thats a horrible price.

  4. Go with a name you can trust, and a name that is known world-wide.  I suggest that you use American Express - Access America.

    I have pasted their website for you, below.

    Happy travels with no worries!

  5. Your credit card company may offer this coverage.

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