
Need Your Opinions on my HPT issue..

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I am like 16 DPO, my period was supposed to come on sunday, and its not here. I'm NEVER late, and i've been cramping on and off since sunday morning. I took a preggers test and got a BFN this morning. I'm getting frustrated and confused. I called the doc yesterday and they told me to wait till sunday and test again. The only issue i have is that i had tested last night (yeah i know, im kinda obsessive lol) and when i took the test there was a VERY faint line in the positive side, and i even asked my friend to make sure i wasnt trippin and she said she saw something there too. I know i'm making myself crazy but i was just wondering what you guys think.




  1. test again with first morning urine.  

  2. I think you're pregnant. But you absolutely need to test again with FMU which is more concentrated. If you can't, then be sure to hold your pee for 4 hours and don't drink too many liquids. That should give you a darker line. Then take a photo f it, because you'll be in so much shock that you won't believe it :)

  3. if there was a line there then you are pregnant. get another pack of tests (there are 2 or 3 in a pack anyway LOL) and take another later today or tonight.  

  4. Same thing just recently happened to me. My period was almost a week late, it almost always starts on Monday. (I'm on the patch, so it always starts the day after I take it off) I did have many pregnancy symptoms, but as we all know, pregnancy symptoms mimic PMS symptoms. I got a very faint positive on 2 hpt's, 3 negatives (2 of those being in a row, it went faint pos., neg., faint pos., neg., neg.) Then my period started on Saturday morning, but then only lasted until Tuesday evening. I don't know if it was a chemical pregnancy or I just imagined the faint line or what.  

  5. Sounds like you're pregnant.....if you got a faint positive it's defo a positive. Unless it's an evap line - make sure you read the pack and it will tell you how many minutes you can leave the test before it becomes invalid.

    I suggest you buy a good digital one and do it with your first morning urine tomorrow.

    GOOD LUCK x*x

  6. I would say to wait another two days and test with first morning urine on Friday morning.

    Unfortunately if you are TTC your body can play tricks.

    As for the faint line-did you use tests from the same brand/box? Not sure why there would be faint line last night an none today. I would wait a few more days though. Possible you saw the evaporation line people talk about.

  7. If there's a line there's a line!!

    Sometimes it takes hormones a while to show up depending on the lady! Mine?

    Good luck!

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