
Need a Birth Certificate from Miguel Calmon, Brazil?

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I need to replace a birth certificate that has become too old and is deteriorating! It's from Brazil 1952.

I tried finding the citiy's website for phone number and also have looked at the Embassy's website.

P.S theres no hospital's name cuz this person was not born in a hospital.




  1. You can always contact the American Embassy in Brazil directly for help in obtaining foreign records.

    You can also search the Bahia state's website at

    or use their contact form at to try and find out how to find records of birth certificates.

    Something tells me, though, that birth certificates from the 50s are not something that they keep "on file" and are able to reproduce. If I had to take a guess, they might tell you that the copy of the birth certificate you have is the only one there is. Boa sorte!

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