
Need a Canadian credit card

by Guest55872  |  earlier

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I'm a US citizen visiting Canada for a year. For certain things, they require Canadian credit cards (for example cell phones). So far I have not been able to find a card that will let non-Canadian residents apply (including pre-paid ones). Anyone know of any?




  1. Guest57334

    When i could not face my Debt any more, my son was on hospital bed for surgery that involve huge money and i also needed some money to refinance and get a good home then i have to seeks for Assistance from friends and when there was no hope any more i decide to go online to seek a loan and i find Kumaresan Kahlil Loan Investment Company ( with 3% interest Rate and applied immediately with my details as directed. Within seven Days of my application he wired my loan amount with No hidden charges and i could take care of my son medical bills, Renew my rent bill and pay off my debt. I will advice every loan seeker to contact Kumaresan Kahlil Loan Investment Company For easy and safe Transaction.

  2. Americans cannot "visit" Canada for a year.  The max is 180 days, if you can prove you have sufficient funds for all of your living/travel expenses for the duration of your stay.  To get a Canadian credit card, you would need a Canadian bank account and get a debit card with a MasterCard or Visa logo (MC is fairly infrequently used in Canada -- I only found one bank).  

    As for the cell phone, get a prepaid cellphone.  Go to the Fido kiosk at the nearest mall or wherever (they're widely available, and have the best rates I could find in Canada).  Use cash withdrawn at the bank ATM if they won't do a one-time credit card charge, but they should take one-time charges without any problem.  The problem is doing monthly payments on a foreign card.

  3. yes

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