
Need a Fair booth idea for scouts. Topic is around going green.?

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We want to do a booth for our county fair -- the fair theme is around going green and environmental friendliness. The booth is not staffed by people - it is a display only booth. Which means the ideas need to really pop and speak for themselves.

Anyone have any grand ideas?

Thanks in advance!




  1. Why must you all force this kind of issue onto kids this young?   Yeah I know you think you are doing good, but when they come home from school and tell you that your car is killing the earth, it gets a little old real fast.

  2. worm composting. Maybe in a glass box.

    I'm trying to get it into our preschool, its that easy. And has that "ick" factor that has people unable to look away...

    Just a thought. Good luck!

  3. Maybe your scouts could showcase what families could do to make their homes more green and environmently friendly.  There is a great resource that you can check out for information --

    Good luck

  4. How about a thing on recycling.

    Show an clear trash bag with all kinds of 'clean trash'-like empty cereal box, clean can, bottle, newspaper,etc.  Have a display board with what your community recycles.  Have a second bag with the recycles taken out and put in a container for recycling.

  5. Windmills.   A tall windmill will stand out and attract attention.  Posters can be made describing how windmills work.  If there are any in your area, contact them and see if they can give you a tour.  Maybe than can take pictures of the inner workings of one for you.  At the very least the can answer any questions you have about energy production, cost, etc....

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