
Need a TAROT interpretation of 7 of cups reversed?

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This is How I was precieved so I wanted to know others thoughts and interpretation of this I used (good use of determination) but theres a bad side too.

So everyone tell me wat seven of cups means!!




  1. Lots of different interpretations here -- here's mine:

    I generally interpret all reversals in context with the other cards in the reading.  When I see reversals, I'm considering how this card could be distorted -- or how the querant may be delayed in realizing the positive aspects of the card ... or how the card may be delaying the entire reading.

    I typically (but not always -- depends on context) would view this as saying "You're not going to get anything done unless you get your head out of the clouds.  Stop thinking about what to do -- just go ahead and do it!"  You can think - and rethink - and plan -- and wait for things to be just right - and re-evaluate, etc, etc, etc.  At some point you've just got to go ahead and take action.  While it's important to make sure you're taking the right action -- postponing a decision is the same as making a decision to do nothing!  So ... by postponing a decision, the querant is actually making a decision to do nothing.  I'll see the reversed Seven of Cups as suggesting "You've thought about this enough -- you KNOW what the right action should be; go ahead and do it!"

  2. The reversed meaning is the same as the upright meaning to begin with.

    Alright so,

    one of the seven cups contains a snake, this represents the lowest spiritual force. The wreath with a ribbon attached to it is a sign of victory and succsess. A jeweled butterfly is representative of the soul. On the highest level is a dragon, which epitomizes anger and conflict. The final cup holds a cstle, which suggest that your soul is growing karmically.

    (the description may be diffrent depending on the type of cards you have)

    meaning - This is a very spiritual and psychic card. When you have dreams, write them down or interpert them, because you will find it easy to connect with her spirit guides and you will find yourself experiencing some psychic visions. There will be many choices for you to make in the coming year so be prepared for change, which in turn will take you to a new learning curve. Positive things are ahead, so looking forward to these experiences will open a new chapter in life.

  3. Will power. Determination. Desire.

  4. there is no bad side to the seven of cups.  it means your dreams manifesting.

  5. A part the meaning of colours etc...etc...the seven of cups rappresent relationships weddings and of course must be supported by other cards and then you find when and who you will marry .Reversed can rappresent divorce.but must be next to a seven or ace of swords or something similar.

    But remember you have  to learn what the card mean to you wich can be totally different from the way i do see the meaning of the seven of cups , but not for that less true.A very easy way to know better your tarots is this .

    Jiust forget about other people explanation put atside all books and keep the card in question in your hands concentrate on the picture and let your mind go you will see the card alive talking only for you bless

  6. First off, the Seven of Cups definitely has a meaning reversed.  It does not mean the same thing as if it were upright.

    If it were my client in front of me, I would say this about the card:

    The character in the Seven of Cups is a dreamer; one who sees the exquisite beauty  as well as the scary difficulties in the future.  Usually a person who just floats thru life -- head in the clouds.  This is how you are perceived if that's the place in the spread the card was at.  

    However, there is a reversed meaning to this card in addition to this.  You have been a dreamer who refuses to come down to earth.   You've been known to dream big, but didn't always follow thru. The seven of cups reversed indicates this is changing.  You are changing.

    As for action, reversed, this card could indicate an unwillingness to deal with the day-to-day reality of life, and is a caution to get your head out of the clouds.  You are experiencing worry and anxiety  and are feeling insecure and defensive but you are on the verge of  major change -- a definite path will be chosen.  You need to allow yourself to recognize and experience your emotions but don’t let them overwhelm you - you need to ponder what it is you really want.  This card is indicating that you need to look at your life’s path and recognize which goal has great meaning to you - then focus all your energy on it.

    Of course with tarot cards, a lot has to do with the cards surrounding the one in question.  And the reader should also pick up energy off the card and the client to give  accurate intuitive answers.  But as I said, this is what I would've told my client based just on what you mention in your question and based on the 7 of Cups meanings.

  7. Hello

    Reversed it shows that there is no choice, no alternate pathways. What you can do will be limited.

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  8. People see you as daydreamy and wistful, a person who lives in a world of illusions, very imaginative.  On a less positive note, you can get so caught up in your visions that you become confused.  Reversed means nothing, some shuffles reverse the cards.

  9. It mostly means that your willpower will carry you more forward.

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