
Need a baby?

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how would find a adabiton agency




  1. There is an organization called Adoptive Parents Committee (APC).  Check out their web address.  They hold meetings and conferences.  You can get leads from them.  I adopted a girl from was easy for me 5 years ago as a single woman.  Now, however, all the rules have changed there.  If want to adopt domestically, you should check out social service agencies locallly.  Fortunately, in today's day and age, there is tremendous support and information about adopting -- it seems every family and community is involved.

  2. you "need" a baby?  social services could help, i imagine..

  3. nobody NEEDS a baby. A baby is a want not a need.

  4. Find a lawyer in your town who practices "Family Law."  These attorneys are usually the ones who handle private adoptions.  They will most likely already have clients looking to adopt a baby, and if they don't happen to have any clients looking to adopt, you can bet that they know of some other attorneys who do.  

    There must be ten thousand lawyers in your state alone who are representing parents wanting to adopt.

    Don't settle on the first lawyer you find; contact eight or ten or more and whittle them down to the attorney who is going to best for your child.  

    Good luck!

  5. social services.

  6. You can look up adoption agency is the yellow pages of your phone book. You can also contact churches, hospitals and social services to find out that information

  7. I would check out your local yellow pages of your phone book.  They list a lot of adoption agencies in there.  You could also do an internet search too of local agencies in your area.

  8. First and foremost, if you want an adoption agency to take you seriously change you wording.  No one needs a baby, at least not a mentally healthy person.  This phrase would scare me off if I owned an agency.  I know a little about adoption as I have adopted five children and while working with an agency fostered over fifty infants.  I know how they think and you would not even be mailed out an application.

  9. Make sure you spell ADOPTION right before you go looking into it

  10. If you want to adopt in the states, you can contact your local child protective services offices.  You can adopt children out of the foster system.

    If you want to adopt domestically & you want an infant, a private domestic adoption would probably be the way to go.  You can contact an agency or an attorney local to you to help you.

    If you want to adopt internationally, go to

    and select the country you might be interested in.  Look to see the process and requirements.  You can use that to narrow your search.  Once you select your country, you can Google "international adoption" and the country you'd like to look into to find agencies with programs in that country.

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