
Need a boot camp for a 8 year old.?

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Have a child completly out of control need to know of boot camps for children this young, please leave out spanking and grounding doesnt work. No rude comments please.




  1. send him to the moon nah idk thats mean

  2. Do your research wisely.  I have worked with at-risk, adjudicated and in need of assistance youth for years.  Some programs are great, while others will only make your child worse.  I would suggest that you find something theraputic(not necessarily a therapist or psychologist, just somewhere that they really care and dont just give instruction and consequence) so that the issues behind the behavior are resolved, rather than utilizing a boot camp.  I believe you will have a better and healthier chance for change.

  3. Cedar Bridge Military Academy - Summer Camp

    Marine Military Academy    American Cadet Alliance Military Adventure Camp  Mass Maritime Summer Sailing Camp

    these are all good good boot camps for discipline if you live in Canada remember to include that too

  4. he doesn't need boot camp. he needs discipline.

    Strip his room of everything but a mattress and a blanket. Then for everyday he behaves he earns things back. Misbehave then it is ALL taken away again. He is 8 and you are the parent. Parenting is a verb. You need to step up as a parent and come down HARD. Get him assessed by a doctor to make sure there is nothing wrong with him, sometimes there are chemical imbalances in the brain. Take a look at this site to change his diet completly. You will be amazed at what can trigger bad behaviour in kids. An Apple is a big trigger to some kids.

  5. He could have ADHD or really hyper does he eat alot of sugary snacks.And boot camps are kinda cruel .you know.

    Ask a doctor about some  pills that calm people down.

    try clearing the mind. have him join karate they teach kids

    self control,balance,disiplin,minding,ect.

  6. Well, I have been there done that and sometimes still go through it.l For all the people who answered  must not have kids or more than on top of that. I have been to the point were I didn't know what else to do. My son had everything taken out of his room, all activities taken away, and I'll tell you name it in was taken away. I tried everything, rewards programs, allowance, everything and he still acted that way. I can tell you what helped me was talking to a therapist and after that I let him join an extra activity - Football. It helped so much, my son coaches were excellent and help him stay on track and things slowly turned around. Mom, just hang in there ad try counseling first and see if that helps. I also noticed when my son didn't understand things mainly Math in school and other kids got it  that would trigger a big outburst in him. Let me know how things go!

  7. What your child needs is discipline and from what I'm reading the child probably didn't get any when smaller.  Discipline doesn't require hitting or grounding neither one of which ever work.  You need to set rules.  When rules are followed the child earns privlieges, television time, game time, computer time, all of which are of course monitored and supervised by you.  There should be no television nor computer in the child's room at any time.  That sort of activity should be in the family room only, children's bedrooms are for reading, relaxing, reflecting and sleeping.  Above all you have to be consistent in your discipline methods, nothing will work if you don't maintain it and continue to use it.

  8. I have a 9 year old with this problem...message me if you get a good answer...

  9. if you cant handle an 8 year old maybe u should put her up for adoption because obvisously u shouldnt have kids

  10. Awwww.... Ive asked the same question sometimes.

    My son was Out OF CONTROL not too long ago. I begged my friend (a police officer) to lock him up, to help in anyway.

    Turns out a few trips to a psychritist helped. My son truly has a problem and the doctor added risperdol (to his concerta)...and BOOM... A NEW CHILD!

    My son is now ABLE to follow my rules, listen, understand and PROCESS right from wrong. He is 8 and doing GREAT. Thank god!

    Hang in there and reach out for help.  Ask your pedi about risperdol!!!!

    (no Im not saying meds are the answer for everyone but some kids do need a little help)

  11. I don't know of any but I know my 8 yr old son can be quite the handful some days I feel as if I am going to go crazy or that he is crazy I know mean to say but I just don't know what to do at times, I have noticed lately though that he is at his worst when he is hungry and I was reading online that when some people sugar insulin levels drop to low they can become moody. what is odd for me though he is only like this for his farther and i he is great at school. well if he knows someone long enough he will act up for them too. and as for Stormy's answer everything was taking out of my sons room and he had to earn the right to do these things and you know what it did not make a difference to him at all. so be quiet until you have been there.

    Good luck to you I know this is can be quite difficult.

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