
Need a catchy unique slogan for a global warming topic?

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at school im part of the global warming awarness group...i made a colage with all pictures showing how beautiful the earth is and i need a catchy slogan to persuade people to change their ways...

it has to be short like "change our world" or "save it" but i need something unique and meaningful

thanks everyone




  1. How about 'Global Warming, Global Schwarming; Hoax of Hoaxes of the Past 100 Years."  Do some real research for your liberal, spoon-fed, Kool-Aid drinking 'educators' and do some real research as to what is real, what is theory.  The truth will really tick them off, but you might get an A anyway.

  2. save the water drink ___________  or save the world save the future generation ,c02 isn't what we do ,don't break the ice

  3. Drive an old CLUNKER and keep the next ICE AGE Away!

    Logo contains a picture of a smoking 1962 Rambler

  4. How about:  "The sky is warming!  The sky is warming!"

  5. How about

    "When we warm the world, we burn the planet"

    Might be useful.

  6. Keep it simple.

    How about, "Save the Earth"?

    You know like "Save the Whales".

    Best of Wishes : )

    Edit: Another good one might be, "Global Warming: There are no winners".

  7. Global Warming........we started, we fix it......

    tell me if u like it

  8. Global Warming..It Will Kill Us All!

  9. Gored by the horns of "The Real Truth about Global Warming"

  10. what about a take on the Heros slogan

    save water save the world

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