
Need a cause worth fighting for? do you have any suggestions?

by Guest56649  |  earlier

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what is the NUMBER one cause that needs to be addressed more than any other.. that myself as an individual and potential huge influence could invest my time and energy into???

thank you.




  1. One of my favorite causes is the stopping of this ridiculous war with Iraq. It was obviously only for the oil.

  2. Death sentence for child predators.  Elderly abuse. The hungry. There are so many. Pick one.

  3. ONE- the campaign to end poverty.

    check it out at

    I am trying to charter a chapter of ONE on my college campus this semester. :]

  4. There are so many good causes that have been mentioned here.Mine is the suppression of Vapor Fuel Systems that have been proven to safely convert Gasoline into something that's even better than Propane.Even the largest SUV could easily get 50 + MPG, and emit a fraction of the Emissions of a conventional Fuel System.My Avatar is a Photo of just such a Device, with the resulting Vapor that would normally power an Engine safely ignited to prove that it actually works.I'm not the first to know this.Far from it ! Do a Google Search on Tom Ogle.He was offered $25 Million to keep his Unit off the Market, refused it, then died of a "mysterious death".Now, it's illegal to even attempt to alter the Fuel System on any Vehicle in the USA from ' 96 to the present, even if it improves Fuel Economy, and lowers Emissions ! And this insane EPA-OBD II Vehicle Emissions Inspection Law that only benefits the Big Oil Corporations, was passed during the Clinton Administration, with Al Gore's enthusiastic support ! This may not be "the Number One Cause", but it's got to be in the Top Ten !

  5. This is something only you can decide for yourself.

    I myself am convinced that all ideological movements eventually become futile and corrupt.  In the nineteenth and twentieth century, this proved true of communism.  We are now starting to find out that it this is also true of American ideals.

    Harleigh Kyson Jr.

  6. Food for the hungry people here in the USA.

  7. The ultimate cause is raising the consciousness level of the species, dramatically.  All problems on this planet come from the fact that it's leadership is controlled by psychopaths -- a very unconscious and murderous lot. And, many of the planet's inhabitants generally, are not overly conscious, either.

    Until the level rises, and people get out of their egos and dysfunctions, especially the leadership, nothing truly beneficial will occur. It will be the same old NWO agenda of greed, control, repression and homicide.

    So put your efforts in that direction  !!!

  8. The battle for your soul.

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