
Need a deterrant for pigeons they sit outside our door every morning cooin and have even started to lay eggs?

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Need a deterrant for pigeons they sit outside our door every morning cooin and have even started to lay eggs?




  1. Collect the eggs and eat them

  2. If you want somebody to take the time to answer your question, it seems reasonable that you take a brief moment to write your question in decent English.  Capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

    You say "sit" but you probably mean "perch".  If they are sitting on the ground, get rid of the food.  That's the only reason they would be on the ground.  If they are perching, you need to put up netting so they can't perch.  There are also metal fingers that keep them from perching.

    Pigeons are very persistent.  If you can't keep them from perching, they will be there forever.

  3. put old cd's on a string and hang them out front.  When they spin the light reflects and scares the birds offf.  They don't like things moving that look alive and it works great.

  4. Here are some ideas---------------

    Terror eyes--------------

    Huge 2' ball with menacing 3D eyes that move on front and back predator scares birds away for outdoor use air/wind makes movements this gives illusion of a active predators.

    Bird proof repellent---------

    Transparent -non-toxic and sticky-- makes surface tacky and uncomfortable for the birds they will look for another place to sit all weather formula-wont harm any surfaces.

    QB 4 Ultrasonic Bird Replier---------------

    This drives birds out of enclosed places makes high frequency sounds. But higher than humans can hear Birds don't like sound patterns

    Irri Tape Iridescent foil Tape------------

    This is a tape that flashes in the wind and sun makes alot of noise and produces an unsettling danger noise to the birds.  

    for info on --1/800/468/4647

  5. Get a wild hawk call recording and play it off anf on for a few weeks it will scare them off enough to make them go away but if they ahve layed eggs and are sitting on them it is against the law to disturb them!! You could take the eggs and incubate them yourself while ever so subtlely moveing their nest away from the area do it in stages they will eventually be far neough away that you can replace the eggs or chicks ih tyhe nest and they will take care of them!! I own taklah pigeons (old world iraqi tumblers) and i have seen the babies move themselves!!! these are in no way like city pigeons and i would never let them out overnight!! to me if i move the nest after the chicks are born the parrents follo wthse nest!! so i say wait for the babies to be born then gradually move the nest far enough away that you are comfoprtable with th edistance!! take all of the above scenarios and advices into consideration and follow or disguard as you please also one other thought make sure none of them have a shoulder or leg band if they do take the number down if you can catch them post a letter for all to see and a puigeon society person may spot this and return the birds!!

  6. a size 8 shoe

  7. What ever you decide,do it Humanely and ignore dkrifdjo who seems to think He/She is word perfect! This sight is about Pets > Birds,and not about teaching correct Grammar and or punctuations!

  8. Try a figure of a cat, owl or bird of pray.

    Sit it where it looks like its hunting in full view of the pigeons.

    It might scare them off

    The most realistic figure the better.

  9. spray water at them.  it doesnt hurt them but they will soon learn to go elsewhere.

  10. an airgun!!!!

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