
Need a doctor in a Mexico border city that does Intestinal X-Rays.?

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Have had a bad pain over the last few years in the bottom right of my abdomen (not appendicitis) but US doctors just want to milk me for visits. I just need to get some barium X-rays done of my small and large intestine (possible hernia idk).

Looking for any decent doctor (where they speak at least passable English that is within 10 miles or so of the US-Mexican border.




  1. Sadly I don't know about doctors in northern Mexico because I never go there. Mexico City has tons and tons of great doctors, and I know several great gastroenterologists.

    The bigger the city you go to, the higher the chances you'll hit with a larger amount of good doctors that speak fluent english (though the way things are, at least in my university you can't finish the career unless you can get a 600 in the TOEFL which is fluent english). Monterrey would be a good bet (and plus you'd enjoy visiting a great city) because it's the largest city next to the US (though not 10 miles from the border).

    I dunno, barium x-ray to discard a hernia? Mexican doctors don't shoot out studies out of the blue like American doctors do. Here they explore you first. A hernia is amazingly easy to diagnose clinically without an x-ray. I could do it pretty easily if the hernia is large enough (though the bigger the hernia, the less painful it is).

    It would be kinda hard to tell you want you have without exploring you in person and making a decent chart, but the range of diseases could be pretty big: diverticulosis, smaller hernias, colon cancer, kidney stones, pancreatitis, hiatal hernia etc...

    Good luck though. And don't be too shy about the trip costs; you'll probably be spending more money for 20 useless and expensive studies in the US than spending a weekend in Mexico. Private specialists can charge up to 100 dollars for a visit, though they are usually a bit more cheap depending where you are.

    A lot of doctors hate them, but you could consider going to a chain "Hospital Ángeles" hospital. Far more expensive (like, what a ripoff to the patient and to surgeons), but the places are flashy looking with cable tv and gourmet dinners and yet are probably still cheaper than a General Hospital in the US.

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