
Need a fun SS fair topic about...?

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something I do surveys on like this: but better

[MAYBE]something about Georgia (since I live here and judges like that)

I liked the one about fashion here:

Some ideas:

-How has fashion changed in throughout history?

-Something about fashion from all over the world. (need a question that would work for this one though...)

-Something about clubs/sports/extra curriculum activities

I need as many ideas possible!

Any help would be great!

Please put it in question form, and have a description about it too so I know what you mean. Ideas would be nice too. ;]





  1. id do something a lil more unique... if your just a girl doing a presentation on fashion, dont you think they are gunna look at you like "  oh, typical girl, doing typical  girl thing.. writing about fashion...  try to be more unique, more creative... try something like how the Fashion of the Medieval times was like a caste system, how only royalty was allowed purple...  and other HAD to wear dark ugly colors,

    or even something non fashion related....

    i did an essay for college about sexual crimes and punishments in ancient egypt, really interesting stuff about how they viewed s*x, punishments for adultery, old tales of the prince who was blind, and having s*x with a pure girl would restore his sight, so he went through a hundred girls who were not pure, and burned them all for being s***s, aand finally found the one...  how they'd slice off the nose of a woman who committed adultery..

    that was a project that got me an A+ and the topic was so unique my professor was super impressed...

    find something NO ONE else  would think of, something weird and unkown...  

    how many fashion topics you think the judges have seen???

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