
Need a funk punky s**y new haircut (pics)?

by  |  earlier

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here are some pics:

okay so i need a new haircut and i'm going back to school soon (sophomore)

I really like the scene hair style (not when its teased though, just the cut), and I dress kinda punky/emo (lots of black and white and skinny jeans).

My hair is about shoulder length (slightly past now), and its a light blonde color with a medium brown underneath, but the roots are growing out (im naturally a brunette), and im going to re-do it to a VERY VERY light (nearly but not quite platinum blonde), before school...and i need a haircut that will fit with it...

any suggestions?




  1. Maybe get it cut in lots of razored layers...

  2. i say very light with a few dark hi-lites and kinda  flippy or layered

  3. You should leave your hair as it is but if you want a change a cute short cut like Rhianna would look really good on you. here a website.. hope it helps :)

  4. i think this....

    or this...

    would look cute=) you might have to tease it to get the first one though. im not positive. good luck!

  5. Well first off your hair is going to be damaged when you lighten it but i suggest razoring it and getting choppy funky layers that aren't symmetrical with a heavy bang and maybe some clip on extensions to give you a new look when you want it. good luck hope i helped and plz take care of your hair you don't want it to look burnt.

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