
Need a good authentic recipe for mole using Mexican chocolate.?

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Want to make as a surprise for my new husband who loves this dish at a local restaurant.




  1. The second recipe sounds great. Anything you can do to give it  a more homemade flavor would really add to it too, maybe see if  you can get some pasilla peppers from your local market or make the chicken broth from scratch. It will give it that extra little bit. Some recipes also have ground pumpkin seeds. Nothing is worse than a weak mole. Some restaurants around here use powdered broth- it tastes wretched.

  2. 4 1/2 cups chicken broth

    3 tablespoons olive oil

    1 cup finely chopped onion

    3 tablespoons chopped garlic

    1 teaspoon dried oregano

    1 teaspoon ground cumin

    1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon

    2 1/2 tablespoons chili powder

    3 tablespoons all-purpose flour

    2 ounces mexican dark chocolate, chopped

    1Heat oil in a large saucepan over med.

    2low heat.

    3Add onion, garlic, oregano, cumin and cinnamon.

    4Cover and cook until onion is almost tender, stirring occasionally, about 10 minutes.

    5Mix in chili powder and flour, stir for 3 minutes.

    6Gradually whisk in chicken broth.

    7Increase heat to med. high.

    8Boil until reduced, about 35 minutes, stirring occasionally.

    9Remove from heat.

    10Whisk in chocolate; season with salt and pepper, if desired.

  3. aca en mexico lo hacemos asi....o(`J`)o

    soy de Guanajuato Mexico y te dare la receta amigo


    here in mexico we do so,

    I am of Guanajuato Mexico and I will give you the recipe.


    1 guajolote

    ● 400 grams of chile mulato stripped

    ● 400 grams of chile ancho stripped

    ● 100 grams of chile pasilla stripped

    ● 3 chipotle stripped and boiled

    ● 4 tomatoes

    ● 100 grams of toasted sesame

    ● 100 grams of raisins

    ● 100 grams peanuts

    ● 1 bolillo

    ● 3 peppers

    ● 2 nails

    ● A bit of star anise (to taste)

    ● A bit of cinnamon (to taste)

    ● 3 onions

    ● 1 fried tortilla

    ● 5 garlic cloves

    ● 2 tablets of chocolate

    ● sugar (a bit)

    Preparation: Put frying (separately each ingredient) peanuts, almonds, sesame, bananas male, cookies, garlic and onions. Roast chiles on a comal, desvénelos and put them to soak in water about 10-15 minutes. Then grind all the above ingredients, along with raisins, cloves and cinnamon. This mixture is like a paste. Whether you're ready, you can stop submitting the mole adding chicken broth, chocolate and piloncillo to be disbanded. At the end, add the cooked meat, either chicken or pork.

    In Spanish

        * 4 chiles en pasilla,

        * 8 chiles mulatos,

        * 1/2 taza de cacahuete,

        * 1/2 taza de almendras,

        * 1/2 taza de pasas,

        * 1/2 taza de ajonjolí,

        * 1 plátano macho,

        * 1/2 taza de galletas dulces,

        * 3 dientes de ajo,

        * 1/2 cebolla,

        * 5 clavos,

        * 1 varita de canela,

        * 1 tableta de chocolate semiamargo,

        * 1/2 piloncillo.

    Preparacion: Poner a freír (por separado cada ingrediente) el cacahuete, las almendras, el ajonjolí, el plátano macho, las galletas, los ajos y la cebolla. Ase los chiles en un comal, desvénelos y póngalos a remojar en agua unos 10-15 minutos. Luego muela todos los ingredientes anteriores, junto con las pasas, los clavos y la canela. Esta mezcla queda como una pasta. Ya que esté lista, puede terminar de presentar el mole añadiendo caldo de pollo, el chocolate y el piloncillo a que se disuelvan. Al final, agregue la carne cocida, ya sea pollo o puerco.

    eso es todo, encantaras a tu esposo OK


    that's all, love your husband OK




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