
Need a good ipod. anyone know of any good ones?

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My son wants ipod/mp3 player 4 x-mas. Wants it to play movies/video & music. Want easy 2 use.?

Don't want to spend an outrageous amount either since its for my son. I know nothing about them & need all the help I can get. I welcome any advice, information or helpful hints you can offer.

2 days ago




  1. Well my persomal favorite isn't an ipod but its the Insinia Pilot Player from best buy.

    It is rated #1 out of all the mp3s.

    Has 2 headphone slots, a san disk drive(external memory), 4 gig, and easy to figure out

  2. go to and check them out. i love the ipod touch. but u must very protective with the touch. im only 13 and have it.

  3. I understand not wanting to spend alot.  The cheapest around is a iPod Shuffle with the most expensive being the 32gb iPod Touch.  The Shuffle is around $49 with the Touch being $500.  There are also a few websites that give out iPod's for around $10-$20.  These sites have been covered by NBC and CNN as legit, I believe there are some videos of them on YouTube.

    The best way is to sign up for a rewards site, but do some research on them before you do. Yes, some of those reward-style sites are legit. Here's the short version of how companies give away "free" stuff. The companies who offer trials pay the company for each offer someone from their site completes. So, when someone does Netflix, Netflix then pays that website money for the referral. The money made more than covers the cost of whatever reward you select. Don't think the companies are being nice, they are making quite a bit of cash from these deals.

    Websites will send things like game systems and iPods as rewards. That is true, but what is misleading is the whole "free" aspect. No, it's not 100% free. They couldn't make money if it were. When you sign up, you agree to complete one offer to activate your account. Offers are around $10 on average. From there, you have to find family and friends to be referrals for other offers so you can have them count towards your prize.

    Also, beware of people (lots of them around here) that claim they have "hacked" versions of the rewards sites that require no credit card from you. What they give you is a link with their referral number, so you go do an offer thinking you'll get a reward and, shockingly, nothing happens for you. However, their reward just got closer thanks to your referral!

    The bottom line is you need to research the sites and determine which is the best site for your needs. Personally, I use sites under TRAINN's umbrella as they seem the easiest to deal with. There are some good groups on Facebook that are made up of users of those sites. A good one in particular is a group called "Shortest TRAINN Conga Line" on Facebook. They offer advice and answers about how the sites work and tactics to get stuff quickly. You can also get in the Conga Line for easy referrals.  

  4. get the new ipod nano

  5. They're all easy to use.

    But if your son has little music, go with the iPod nano 4GB.

    If your son has a lot of music, go with the iPod classic 80GB.

    If you want more information on price, how many songs it can hold, etc. go to the site below:

    The best thing about the site is that short, sweet, and simple so you don't have to be an electronic's expert to understand what's going on.

    Hope this helps.

  6. The best ipod out there is for sure the ipod touch, they are easy and fun to use. Just buy a case so it is protected, and they usually cost around   $270

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