
Need a good tv antenna for this digital converter box?

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it gets no signal with the cheap rabbit ears i have. i was told to buy an outdoor antenna but i'm on a budget... thank you.




  1. 1. Are you sure your local stations are broadcasting in digital already?

    2. If you are sure, are you sure they are broadcasting at full power?  If they aren't, your rabbit ears might do fine when they turn the dial to eleven.

    3. If you really do need an "outdoor antenna" you can probably get an regular TV antenna from the old days.  Don't let anyone sell you an HD or digital antenna for a premium price, there is no such thing.  ChannelMaster was the main brand in the olden days.  They are still around.

    4.  The one exception to 3 is if you converter box supports "smart antenna".  Smart antennas can allegedly select which part of the antenna to use to look in the right direction to pick up the particular channel you are watching.  Its like rotating the antenna without rotating it.  Of course you need a "smart antenna" too use this feature and they cost about $100.

    5.  The links below will help you set up your antenna.  If you enter your latitude and longitude in the second one it will tell you which way to aim your antenna (the end with the short elements is the front of the arrow).  Links in the small print at the top of the page will help you figure out your latitude and longitude.

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