
Need a guys opinion? Coming from a man what do these things mean?

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Ok, it was over 2 months that me and my guy were unable to see eachother. During that time we talked pretty much everyday and he was always very sweet and would tell me that he loved me and all that. Well we were finally able to see eachother this past weekend and since then he has been even more affectionate, and couldn't stop saying how beautiful and s**y he thinks I am and kept telling me he loved me. Afterward, when we talked on the phone he said that since he has seen me again I have created something in his head and heart, that I moved him and said he wants to see me again soon so he can tell me his feelings/ how he feels. What do you think he means with this? I mean he has seen me plenty of other times what could he mean I have created something in his head and heart since seeing me again?




  1. it means what he says. Guys have this wonderful way of saying exactly what they mean, especially if they are sure about what they are feeling (which is more than I can say for a girl, and trust me, I am one)

    I know you asked for a guys opinion but here is my thinking.

    I think that him just talking to you for that period of time, and not seeing you, made him realize how much of a presence you make in his life. How those times (even if they are few in number) truly mean to him.

    Your face was no longer a daily part of his life (weekly /monthly however often you saw him before you weren't able to see him) Sometimes it takes for a fixture in ones life to go away, before you truly start to see how much of a presence that fixture (when I say fixture I mean like a permanent person in your life) used to make.

    I'm guessing going away for two months, made him come to terms with his feelings more so than it would if just kept on seeing you.

    So meet him, and hear him out. Best thing you can do for a guy, and the greatest show of respect and wanting to hear what he says to you.


  2. you just asked this question .......

  3. when i go out with a girl i think of them all the time guys think about girls more than girls think about guys ur lucky hes like that and you should see him more

  4. Have you ever heard the saying "Absence makes the heart grow fonder"?  During the time he's been apart from you he's grown even more fond of you.  Maybe he has realized how much you really mean to him and just wants you to know that.

  5. wel there isn't really a hidden meaning to it.. all he is saying is that he likes you.. and i wouldn't dought if next time you see him he'll ask you out.

  6. Oh, he's just being mushy.  There's no hidden agenda.

  7. s*x or hes cheating.

  8. I think he might have gotten past the hump of being able to VERBALIZE his feelings and that you have reacted in a favorable way to reinforce his utterances.  Some younger guys have trouble with that...  Remember, absences makes the heart grow fonder also.  He might also be moving in a more physical way of expressing his feeling with you... so you will have to consider how you plan to handle that.  You have some responsibility for the amount of excitement you create... so give some consideration for that... if you know what I mean?

  9. no offence 2 u or ur guy bt he is jus using u as a s*x toy add me

    my gal's ex was a similar type n she understood it n broke up

  10. Haven't you heard the expression, "Absence, makes the heart grow fonder".

    With you being apart, he has realized just how much he cares for you.

    It's now up to you, to see how you feel towards him.

  11. Sounds like the dude loves you.  I mean it's pretty obvious isn't it?  Aside from the fact that if he keeps acting this way he'll drive you nuts and away from him.  But yeah....that's what he's pretty much saying without saying it directly.

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