
Need a home made laxtive any one know the recipe?

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i have had a head trama 4 years ago an i have bowel troubles since then i hate store laxitives




  1. You can also use epsom salt as a mild laxative. Any type of  epsom salt packaging should have the "recipe" on it. Good luck. Drink lots of water!

  2. Prunes from the store or Prune Juice. Heard Aloe Vera Juice can do the same. Ask at the health food store or do a search online.

  3. I would suggest a good pure aloe vera juice. It doesn't taste  great, but you can mix it with a little juice and it's not  bad. You only need 1 or 2 ounces (use a cap off of a liquid med.. like  childrens tylenol ) I use it every night before I go to bed. (irritable bowl)  I've been using it for about 5 weeks now and go ever day. NO cramping!

  4. Prune juice--if ya like the taste will loosen you up.

    Also, Castor Oil.

    Hope this helps~

  5. try one teaspoon of real sea salt in 8 oz. of water first thing in the morning.

  6. eat soft pears. work wonders. also, 1 teaspoon of honey in half  glass of warm water-excellent laxative

  7. raisons, prunes, herbal teas, fruits and veg.

  8. cascara's just an herb, it works

  9. If you're not allergic to soy products, I can give you this bit of advice.  

    I used to make smoothies which consisted of strawberries, blueberries, Silk brand chocolate soy milk and ice.  You blend it all together and it makes a really delicious smoothie.  That can help add some fiber and "get things going."

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