
Need a home phone line, no cell service or internet...prices?

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I live in the mountains where apparently no cell carrier gets service, so I need to set up a landline. I can't seem to find any company that offers a regular landline with no internet or whatever...just looking for simple local and long distance, no extra doodads. Does anyone know the best prices for this? Needs to be cheap...HELP!




  1. I believe that for that your local phone carrier is your only choice.  Like here it's Verizon.  In Florida it's Bell South.  Depending where you are - that's your choice.. the one carrier.  If you were to have Internet or DSL (high speed Internet access) you could go with a Voip phone and there are many carriers for that.

    Local carriers don't want to sell you basic service anymore.  It will cost you more than it should.  But they want to up sell you to buy a bigger package with all the bells and whistles you don't really care for.  I did this a few years ago and ended up switching to a Voip carrier and for less money I got more features.  I was getting Internet anyway - any how... Hope this helps.

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