
Need a hypothesis on "Do plants have a skeleton?"?

by Guest63028  |  earlier

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  1. no! within each cell of a plant there is a vacuole ( i think its spelt like that) that is filled with sugary water. when this is full the plant becomes rigid, like a skeleton. thats why when you dont water a plant it wilts. also, the cells of a plant have a cell wall as well as a cell membrane, this also helps to make the plant more rigid and strong unlike a animal cell which olny contains a cell membrane

    hope ive helped lol

    i sometimes listen in biology lessons at school haha!

  2. rubber tree leaves have skeletons, but not bones lol

    check this out . . .

  3. The stems have a crunchy outer surface which could be comparable to the exoskeleton of insects.

  4. only leaves have skeletons, not plants

  5. No.

  6. no they dont

  7. yes and i would say 'my hypothesis is that plants DO have a 'skeleton' maybe not an exact skeleton as defined in the dictionary, but there is a vein system that allows the rest of the plant to be formed around and this vein system also while healthy helps keep the plant formed the way it needs to be'

  8. no. They are able to stay upright due to the water running through them... that is why they wilter if not watered :)

  9. no buddy

  10. Before you can have an hypothesis you must have a theory.

    A theory is a model intended to represent reality.  It is a system of definitions.

    An hypothesis connects a theory to reality.  The hypothesis would take the form of, "this theory applies in this situation."  

    Your theory would have definitions for skeleton.  It would clearly limit what is and what is not a skeleton.  Then your hypothesis would link that theory to reality.  Your theory might define plant skeletons are being composed of non-living rigid cellulose structures inside of or surrounded by living plant tissues.  Since that is the definition in the theory, it is what is tested, not any other kind of skeleton for animals or diatoms or any other creatures.  

    Your hypothesis would be, "This theory of plant skeletons apply to these plants in particular."

    Then you would go about testing whether the hypothesis is correct.  The test would be to determine whether those plants you have selected conform to the definitions in the theory.  

    So the theory is never correct or incorrect.  It is just not applicable to that situation.  The hypothesis would be either correct or incorrect.

  11. They dont, because skeleton means that they have bones, and the only rigid thing in plants are the cell walls which are nowhere as strong.

  12. On a very microscopic level they have cell walls instead of cell membranes like most animal species.  However, even if you linked them together in the largest and most complex plants, I doubt any biologist would consider them skeletons.

  13. Plants have a structure similar to a human skeleton which holds it up and enables it to withstand transversal forces.

  14. Do your own d**n homework.

    Or just google it for God's sake.

    The only things that have a true skeleton are reptiles, amphibians and mammals.

    Plants stay alive by water pressure in their cells.  Without water, they lose pressure and fall over.  Plus they die.

    Most plants have a different kind of cell on the outside of their stem or stalk that is tougher and holds more water so that they can have a good strong stalk to stand on.

    It's not a hypothesis, but I'm not sure what kind of hypothesis you could come up with for this.  Try:

    "My hypothesis is: 'no'"

    See how that flies.


  15. Cacti do.

  16. No they don't

  17. no they dont have a skeletal system.. otherwise we have broken many vertebrates in our lives haha

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