
Need a job in auckland for about 2 months this

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i'm 18 and i'm going to new zealand on july, i need a job..anyone can help?




  1. First you need to realises that July is not summer in New Zealand, it is winter.  I don't know much about seasonal work in Auckland, but I do know about sesaonal work in Marlborough.   In Marlborough there is a big need at that time of year for people to prune grapes.  There are some vineyards around Auckland so it is possible that you could get that sort of work there.  Various other areas have differing numbers of vineyards.  You will need to make sure that you are able to work in New Zealand.  A visitor's permit may not entitle you to work.

  2. If you're looking for a job right in Auckland, well, all I can say is good luck. I had a horrible time trying to find work there and actually ended up leaving to work outside of the city. The other person who posted is right.... if you are looking for work for only a few months, working on an orchard is your best bet. People in the city don't want to hire you for only a few months, they look for more long-term. My visa only let me work for three months with the same employer, and they always told me they wanted someone to work for longer. If you want to work in a city, try Christchurch, I ended up down there, lots of work to be found. Plus it's not as big as Auckland.... much quieter, safer, etc

  3. there are lots of websites for seasonal work in New Zealand, just go to & put in seasonal work and they'll all come up.  most are fruit picking or working on farms.  you don't say what kind of work you do?  there is temping in offices in Auckland (we just had a guy from France temping in our office) and there are temping labouring jobs through job agencies as well.  there are also jobs in the winter on the ski fields (like instructing or cafe and bar work).

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