
Need a little advice with breastfeeding

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I'm currently pumping my breast milk into bottles for my 6 month old daughter and it seems that my milk supply has gone down some. Is there anything that I can do to boost my supply? I dont want my daughter to have to be on formula.




  1. well in  my case i breast feed and also pump it for 3  months already ...what i do  is at night or when am just at home i breast feed my lilltle girl and before i go out i pump it............and like dat your milk supply is not gonna go low because your baby has these thing that when he/she is sucking make the milk produce more and also your baby is goin to be more attached wit you...........but is your choice..........GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!              

  2. This is very normal, i've been pumping for around 2months because i work & i've had supply issues.. Pumping is not as efficient as a baby sucking so a decrease is normal.

    Try to nurse more & when you are nursing fromone breast, pump the other, try not to go more than 2 hrs withoutp pumping or nursing & drink lots of water. Yesterday i didn't drink water at work and i did pump less than what i can usually pump.

    Fenugreek is also good to boost your supply, i took it but really didn't see much of a difference, i find that nursing more & pumping more always helps.

    Once a wk i pump for 10 minutes then in 10 min i pump again for 10 minutes for an hour, this always helps too.

    GOd Bless

  3. the only thing that will increase your milk supply is feeding your baby period. do not take anything. your breast will only answer to your baby and that's it. when you pump do compress your breast so you get more milk out. good luck

  4. Start bfing her from the breast more often. The pump is not as efficient as your baby at getting the milk and signaling the breast to make more.

    Also, eat some oatmeal. Usually I notice an increase within the hour.  

  5. -Drink more water

    -Take an herb called Fenugreek (can be found at health food stores)

    -Use breast compressions (massaging and pressing on your breast to help more milk come out)

    Using Fenugreek can help, but you also need to increase the demand for milk, in order to notice the increased supply.  Try pumping more frequently.  If your baby can get full off one side, then pump the other.  Or, after baby is done eating, pump both sides for added supply stimulation.  Pump while baby is sleeping.  Pump between feedings, etc.

    Check out for helpful info.

    Increasing Low Milk Supply:

    I'm not pumping enough milk. What can I do?:

    What is a galactagogue? Do I need one?

    ...Herbal remedies for increasing milk supply:

  6. generally pumping and nursing often will increase your milk supply...warm showers before nursing and pumping have always helped me, and drinking tons of water and juice to keep yourself hydrated and keep milk supply strong has also always helped me.

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