
Need a little better explanation of limits please?

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The prof is Indian with a heavy accent so I'm having some trouble. OK I have the basic idea like for most functions you just replace x with whatever x is approaching. But how can you tell if there is a limit or the limit doesn't exist? He did something like for example:





The + and - are superscripts. How do you evaluate this stuff? :/




  1. x->2+ means the limit as x approaches 2 from the right.  (i.e.: when it approaches 2 from values higher than 2.

    x->2- means the limit as x approaches 2 from the left.  (i.e.: when it approaches 2 from values less than 2.

    If you evaluate your function with both limits, and the two limits are not equal, then the limit does not exist when x approaches the value from both sides.

    For example, consider the following function:

    f(x) =

    x when x>2

    x+1 when x<=2

    In this case, the limit as x->2+ is 2, while the limit as x->2- is 3.  Since the two are not equal, the limit of f(x) as x->2 does not exist.

    Now consider f(x)=x

    In this case, the limit as x->2+ and as x->2- are both equal to 2.  In this case, the limit of f(x) as x->2 does exist.

  2. the + means the graph is coming from the right side

    the - means the graph is coming from the left side


    x->2     is what the graph looks like it is going to as the x value gets close to 2


    lim        and    lim         look like they are going to same place then

    x->2+             x->2-

    lim exists at where it look like it exists at


    but if they dont look like they're going to the same place, then

    lim  does not exist


  3. You are correct, to a point. If the function is continuous and defined at the limit point, then plugging in the x-value will give you the limit. This implies that the limits approaching from both sides (the + and - you refer to) are equal.

    As you get into limits further, you'll find problems like this:

    f(x) = {1 for x ≥ 1

    ........ {0 for x < 1

    What is lim{x->1} f(x)? The answer is undefined, since lim{x->1+} = 1 and lim{x->1-} = 0.

    Also, consider lim{x->0} sin x / x. You might be tempted to say this is undefined, but you'll find later that it is, in fact, 1.

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