
Need a little help motivating wife to diet?

by  |  earlier

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In my eyes she is the same sweet s**y 17 year old she was, she says she is overweight and needs to lose some, any tips for her?

she says add my pic for a general rating if she needs to diet or not( I think she is about a dress size zero but I am a man and she looks good to me)




  1. OMG she needs her jaw wired lol only trouble is u can melt chocolate and she'd probably suck it through her teeth pmsl

  2. hahahahahaha

  3. lol! is this a joke?? R u blind?? i know this sounds horrible but am sorry i couldn't help it but YEAH she aint 17 YEARS OLD SHE'S at least in her 40's!! and h**l yeah lol! she needs 2 diet or get surgery :D

  4. she's gorgeous.  I'm almost tempeted to bat for the other side!

  5. You made my day, I feel so slim now. I have a great pic to but can't get it here, tried copy/paste didn't work grrr.

  6. She looks like she's about to loose a little weight, looks like she's giving birth if whatever is hanging between her legs is anything to go by.

  7. She looks fine to me, you are a lucky man, I particularly like her socks.

  8. LOL


    if thats a size zero then theres hope for all of us!

    hehe funny  x

  9. Wow! What a catch!

  10. Wow - she one BIG mamma jamma

  11. omg i so needed that laugh x  EVEN THE ANSWERS ARE MAKING ME LAUGH

  12. A great tip - get rid of the tiny purse, a larger bag can make even the biggest woman seem small in comparison.

  13. did the woman in the picture swallow her?

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