
Need a little help with my "open-ness"?

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So I'm going to college on thursday and thus begins a dreaded 4 day freshman orientation. I see myself as relatively confident, have a warming personality, easy to talk to, etc BUT it is hard for me to start a conversation with a complete stranger, and when I'm in a situation with complete strangers, I kind of close down my body language...if that makes any sense. What are some techniques to make it easier for people to approach me? Or better yet approach people. Once I'm in a conversation I have no problem, but...its that initial part that's worrying me.





  1. I think a lot of people are like this but college orientation really focuses around meeting your classmates and stuff a lot of the time and by the end of orientation you'll have met so many new cool people and probably come back to your facebook with a bunch of new friend requests. Good luck in college!

  2. I think we are very similar...when I started university, I was in the same situation. I noticed that people who were more outgoing, flamboyant seemed to have an easier time, but eventually either someone comes up to you that is in the same situation and has a similar personality and you get a chance to talk. When that didn't happen, I usually tried talking to people that I could relate to (more quiet), and I felt more comfortable that way.

    Oh, I forgot to add - there is usually (something going on around you that you can at least use that as a topic of conversation like... what dorm are you in? What's your majour? etc, etc.

  3. dont worry....its orientation right??? well i had my orientatin last week and it wasnt bad at all!! and i'm actually pretty quiet....everyone's a freshman adn most dont kno anybody so its pretty easy to make friends...the easiest way to start a conversation is ask  question abt somethng thats goin on at the moment or ask wht major they are in or ask their name......

  4. Wow 4 day orientation. That's awful. Mine was an afternoon, night, and a few hours the next morning after spending the night in the dorms and it was torture for all the games and politically correct lectures we had to sit through.

    Something that may help you but would be a little awkward would be to evesdrop on people. Try and force your way into an existing conversation between two people so that the focus isn't initially on you. You'll probably make 2 friends instead of 1 as well. :) Other than that I would say that you just have to have the other person talking about themselves until you feel comfortable. Easy questions such as 'what's your major? where are you from? what clubs are you thinking for joining?' will be good conversation openers.

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