
Need a little input from people who have been on Clomid?

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I have PCOS and my husband and I have been TTC for over a year, she recently put me on Metformin to see how it does for me. She said she would try it for a month and if i didn't have a period or ovulate that she was going to put me on Clomid. How long does it usually take to get pregnant once starting either metformin or clomid? i just wanted a little more info on both. Thanks in advance.




  1. I've been trying to conceive for a couple of years now and the first thing that I was on was metaformin. However, about a year ago they put me on Clomid and it was about three cycles including hormones and it didnt' work. The reason they put me on hormones was because I was getting my period every six months.  However, Clomid did make me crazy my hormones were runing wild and my anger was taken out on my husband.  I got my period but  didn't get pregnant. I could feel the pain while being in clomid during my period and it was horrible. Until recently, I went to a fertility specialist and her field is PCOS speciality. She said that for PCOS patients Clomid does not really work and we should try Femara.  Also, ask them to do a sperm analysis on your husband to make sure it's not him.

    I just started Femara, so I can't give you much information of Femara. Either way, good luck and God bless.

  2. I am in the same boat I have to take prevara for 10 days then the clomid after the blood stops only for five days then 2 days after that you take a ovulation test and do the baby dance for a while but to help me and my friend have pcos and metformin did not help us at all we took it for 5 months and the doc said the clomid works the best so one month of metformin wont work so expect clomid

  3. Both of these drugs affect everyone differently, so there's no way to give you a prediction. I have been on Met since March, and I did three rounds of Clomid, and so far, nothing has taken. However, one of my best friends who also has PCOS got pregnant her first round of Clomid. So, it can happen, but there's no way to know if it will happen for you.

    Good luck and keep your head up!

  4. It can take up to a few months for Metformin to get things regulated (that doesn't mean that it does for everyone).  And the success rate for Clomid is within 6 cycles.  It's different for everyone.

    Good luck.

  5. Hi,  I also have PCOS we had been TTC for more then 2yrs before we went to an infertility specialist.  The first thing my Dr. did was place me on Metformin and because i didnt have regular period she gave me meds to have one and then started me on the Clomind treatment. They said they would try for 6 months of treatment.  But to my suprise IT WORKED my first month!!  My only advice is to stay calm...I know its nerve racking and almost heartbreaking when u read all the stuff on the internet... my Dh was always telling me to stop reading it but you cant help to wonder is that me? Not to mention the hot flashes and MOOD SWINGS the meds give you....I personally think the mood swings are jus because we are constantly worrying did it work? Just lay off the bad food, no caffiene eat healthy, work out (I walk 5 miles a day as my job) and think happy thoughts....

    So let me be a positive story...I am currently 5 months preg. with a baby boy! This is my first and though its been hard to be completely optomistic...It was worth it...:)

    Good Luck :)

  6. i have been on metformin for over 2 years now. i really have not seen a diffrence, i have not lost weight, i still do not ovulate. i am even at 2000mg right now. as for the clomid. i am on round 3. i have not ovulated yet, on any cycle. i am on 150mg now, and i do not know yet if i will ovulate. i do not think i will. i have no side affects (probably because i do not ovulate).. as for the met, i started at 1000mg a day, and it gave me horrible stomach problems, constantly throwing up. but now i am all better and taking 4 pills a day! but i really do not see how metformin is helping me. anyway good luck

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