
Need a make-over for school!! Pic included.?

by Guest64926  |  earlier

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Ok, so school starts in a month and I would like to have a makeover.

Hair - I don't want highlights, and I don't dye my hair. It's naturally straight, but i need a new style.

Make up - I have light blue eyes, but I want them to stand out more or 'pop', what make up can i use? How much make up should I wear?

Eyebrows - It's been a while since i got my eyebrows waxed.. What style should I go for?

Andddddd, How old do you think I look?

Please be BRUTALLY honest. Thanks in advance!




  1. You look 15

    hair: i think you should dye it a meduim brown, it'll make your eyes really pop! and keep it like shoulder length with side bangs and short layers. since your hair looks easy to manage

    make up: you should curl your lashes & use mascara. if you want use some eyeliner too, maybe like a dark brown/black

    eyebrows: they arent actually that dark cause my eyebrows are that color and i thought they were pretty dark but my friends told me otherwise.

    hope i helped =)  

  2. you should get a haircut like victoria beckmen you would look really pretty  oh and you should wear some liploss and alot of eyeliner and mascura and some light pink eyeshadow and you should consider dyeing your hair you look pretty

  3. Your quite pretty Id say get some eyeliner you would look sooo pretty with eyeliner maybe curl your hair? Just practise different styles and choose the one you like

  4. i love your eyes! they're really pretty! you look about 13... sorry i don't have any tips.

  5. I think you look about 12 or 13. Have your mom take you to a hairstylist and let them tell you what would be good for your hair, or look through some magazines and find a hairstyle you like to take with you to the hairstylist.

    Good Luck!

  6. I would use a light peach blush across your cheekbones.

    A brown eyeliner and mascara. Believe it or not, brown makes blue eyes pop more than black.

    For your eyebrows, use a brush and powder foundation. Lightly, dust some powder over your eyebrows- this will make them lighter instantly.

    Your hair would look nice if you curled it or braided it after a shower to have instant soft waves in the morning.

  7. you look about 16/17 lovely eyes try a brown, mine are blue aswel and it makes them pop the shade Mulch by mac is a nice warm brown velvet shade

    for the eyebrows you could try lemon juice to lighten them- they have a nice shape tough, or just use a lighten brow pencil to fill them in might balance out a darker colour

    your hair is nice too, maybe add a fringe or a few more layers to jazz things up abit

  8. I think you are stunning! I wouldn't change anything.

    You could use an eyelash curler and a little mascara, and lip gloss on special occasions. Don't wear more than that - boys don't like it and you don't want to ruin your skin.

    I think you look about 15.  


    Jeez, you're about as cute as a girl can get!

    Don't do anything at all!

  10. I think your are already pretty, but if you want to change...cut your hair a little but just a trim or maybe up to your shoulders and pull it back on the top..or try to curl for the make-up, try using a little bit of eye-liner, use brown because black is too much, some mascara, then either foundation or just the translucent powder and some blush..your eyebrows are fine, nothing like mine...they dont stand out because you have darker hair so people arent going to be concered about the color of your eyebrows. but if you really want to maybe help...then you are putting your make-up on if you are using any kind of powder when you are putting it on your forehead but it on your eyebrows also..hope this helped a little bit!

  11. if u wanna wear some makeup, just go for some mascara, eyeliner, and a lil lip gloss. not too much makeup tho. ur naturally pretty. you look about 15. as for the eyebrows, they look fine! for the hair ask your stylist about a perm that does waves. it would look really good on you!  

  12. Get some acne cream... Great eyes, nice eyebrow shape, just wax the strays and some lip balm You're pretty, just get acne cream...

    Maybe 13-14... Uh, get your ends trimmed and maybe side bangs and wear you're hair in a ponytail, I totally recommend to you Pantene Ice Shine shampoo and conditioner

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