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A guy I really care for started saying another woman had a better body than me in front of our friends one night.He was really angry.When I asked another man friend of ours why he did that,my other friend said that he might actually be in to me/ fancy me.If that is the case,why insult me?Bear in mind this man is in his forties




  1. ? He was really angry? Doesnt make sense...

  2. He's probably pissed because he hasn't been able to hit it yet.  What a tool.

  3. i wouldnt even waste my time with him, either this is a massive misunderstanding or he is a total ***... sorry but he should have respect for you.. talking about your body like that, to me it means hes a dog!!

  4. Does he know you like him? He may have said that to make you jealous or even regret saying that had he known. I would find out if he likes you or not  

  5. well what your friend says doesnt make sense at all. he could have said it because he was interested in the girls. does he know you like him? and if he doesnt you should tell him

  6. This man seems confused about his feelings, i think he is insulting you as he doesnt know how to actually say that he likes you.  Men get it confused sometimes - even when they are in the 40's

    i would say to him that his comment hurt you,

    personally get out and find yourself a decent man!! - if he keeps putting you down then he's not the right man for you, you need someone to love and respect you for who you are, and not want you to change!

  7. I'v seen guys do this.When they like someone but don't want them to know or make the first should talk to him about it and let him know how it made you feel because you like him.

  8. I'd of insulted that b*****d back and would of asked him how come his bulge is in the back instead of the front.  

  9. Why was he angry?  Perhaps he was angry with you and this was a way for him to vent onto you.  He was being a jerk to say that.  Had he been drinking?  Usually boys stop insulting women they like as a form of flirting by about age 15 or 16.

  10. He was being a D&*^ and proving it.  Remember the blood doesn't go above the belly button and guys think that is funny.  They don't think the way we do and they tend to show it frequently.  If you really like this guy, you might want to take a better look at him and see if he is what you thought.

  11. He sounds like he may have a crush on you but how immature is that! If he's in his forties, he should know better.

    I understand how insulting and embarrassing that kind of comment is and he had absolutely no right to say that. He sounds childish and self centered.

    If you still want him as a friend, try telling him how his comment made you feel. If that doesn't work, try playing on his weaknesses. Men are usually very sensitive if they have man **** or are graying/ balding.

    Good luck and don't listen to him!

  12. Hubby said something that I took as being hateful before we started dating, so I backed off and let him stew for a while.  After a week, he was asking where I'd gone.  Needless to say, when I finally came back around, he decided to make his move and never left.

    He may have said something hateful to judge your reaction to the statement.  I'd either back off and let him wonder where you went or come right out and ask him what his deal is.  Don't wonder, Girl, find out!

    God's blessings on you and yours...Always!

  13. I think his friend is stupid, what are you in kindergarten where the way you show a girl you like them is by shoving them down?! What he did was absolutely degrading. His opinion may be that this woman has a great body but to compare the two of you like that is over the line. I think you should reconsider your feelings and who you choose to invest your time in. I don't care how hot you are there will always be another girl out there hotter than you, you shouldn't be overly sensitive but really who does he think he is!

  14. This is so immature.

  15. I hate to tell ya, but he ain't all that into ya. If this *** is in his 40's and treats a woman like that, you better leave him be. He is abusive. If you got with him it would get worse.  

  16. He's a jerk. That's what it is. Why not focus on someone better then that? He disrespects you like that in front of EVERYONE, what makes you think he'll treat you well when you two are alone? Does he seem like someone you can have a good future with? I doubt it...
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