
Need a merchant account ASAP that is not Paypal or Google Checkout! Please Help!?

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I need a merchant service ASAP! Everything I have researched seems to have hidden fee's as well as "hidden contracts". I am only 18 and have no credit so Google Checkout denied me and Paypal closed me down because I mad $1000 my first week... somehow they get to keep it for 180 days??? BUTT WIPES!!! ANywho, I just need a good merchant service which can get me on the up and up and back on business ASAP. I have a family to provide for! Any advice would be considered any help would be appreciated. I have a checking account and debit card. All forms of ID... all the what not. THANK YOU!!!




  1. There is no hidden fees with who I use. Everything you need to know you can look at the web site or call them. The software is free and so is the training. They show you how to enter the cards through your web site. I was set up right away. You can apply on line through the link below.

    Good luck!

  2. Our company can help you accept credit cards within 2 days.  Give me a shout at sales@firstbankcardprocessing. com or firstbankcardprocessing@yahoo. com .  I am 21 years old so I understand your needs as a younger person and can help you out with merchant service.  Email me with your contact information and some business information and I will make sure we are in contact within 24 hours.

  3. In order to accept credit card payments on your website, you will need an eCommerce merchant account. The merchant account company that you choose will provide a payment gateway which will incorporate with your shopping cart and will transmit the transaction information to the processing bank that they have a relationship with.

    All merchant account providers offer the same service. The only difference is in their pricing. I will give you a breakdown of eCommerce rates and fees to help you get an idea what you should be looking for.

    1. Discount rate - you should not accept anything higher than 2.19%.

    2. Transaction fee - you should not agree to anything higher than $0.25.

    3. Authorization fee - another "per-transaction" fee, charged by the payment gateway provider. You should not pay more than $0.10.

    4. Set up fee - you should NOT pay ANY set up or application fees!

    5. Monthly maintenance fee - as the name suggests, it is charged monthly and you should not be paying more than $10.

    6. Support fee - you should NOT pay ANY such fees.

    7. Payment gateway fee - another monthly fee and it should not be higher than $10.

    As you see, there are a number of different fees involved in an eCommerce merchant account. If a payment processor is trying to "hide" some of them, you should avoid doing business with them.

    Also, you should be aware that you will be signing a contract, usually for 3 years, when you set up a merchant account, with an escape clause that will cost you ~$200 - $300.

  4. You can do a electronic money transfer from their bank to yours. I do it all the time. Not sure where you are from but on line banking in most banks have a send and receive e transfers.  check it out!

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