
Need a middle name for a boy

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I might be expecting and my boyfriend said that if the baby a boy he wants to name him Daniel and then I could choose the name if the baby is a girl and I've chosen Chloe Madison. Now the last name would be Ferreira what do you think of the name for a girl with the last name and what would go well with Daniel Ferreira as a middle name? We didn't discuss a middle name yet and just wanted to get some ideas.





  1. I like Daniel James Ferreira or Daniel Thomas. I think Chloe Madison Ferreira is a great name. Good luck.

  2. I love Chloe Madison, such a sweet girl name.

    Daniel Bryson

    Daniel Lucas

    Daniel Alexander

    Daniel Colby

  3. James sounds nice with Daniel...Daniel James Ferreira

    the girl name you picked is great! I love it.

    Jackson would also work instead of James.

  4. i like both names, there really cute!

    A middle name for Daniel is Shane or John  

  5. Patrick




  6. 3- Lucas,2- James,1- Jacob and those are my top 3!

  7. Love the girl name how cute.

    How about Daniel Clayton

    or Masyn,

    good luck

  8. James, Ian, Ray, Matthew

  9. That is so sweet that your boyfriend wants to name the baby, and is being stubborn with it! I like Daniel Mason Ferreira, or Daniel James Ferreira.  And Chloe Madison is so cute!

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