
Need a place to live while going through a divoice, how do i get bank to work wth me?

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Need a place to live while going through a divoice, how do i get bank to work wth me?




  1. Assuming you're a man on your own - the quickest, and probably cheapest, way to find a place to live is to answer an ad in the local paper for just a room in a private house, sharing bills. My friend did this recently. He moved into the spare room in the home of a middle-aged widow, initially just for a couple of weeks while he sorted himself out, but in the end stayed there for three months until he had managed to secure a little home for himself. If you are a wage-earner, you would be able to manage that level of cost for a while, on top of your mortgage on the marital home - and you could get an arrangement on that anway, by talking to the bank.  If you're on benefits, talk to them, and they would help out with the rent.

    And in the meantime, TALK to your bank. They have "personal advisers" who help people work out their finances. You might be able to take a payment holiday, or extend the period of the loan to reduce the monthly repayments.

    And you can get an initial hour's advice free with almost any lawyer, to know what your legal position is. You're going to need a lawyer for the divorce anyway, unless you rely on a "do-it-yourself" one. But if there's property or children involved, you really should have a lawyer. You could also ring "Consumer Direct" for initial advice: 08454 04 05 06 or

    So sorry you're going through all this. Hope it works out for you. I know people who have turned to prayer at times like this, and their lives have been turned around.

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