
Need a road name for our new driveway, need some ideas fast, have to get back to them in 15 minutes!?

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We need a road name for our driveway and I need some ideas. The town just called me and said i need to get back to them in a few minutes or they'll name it for me. Besides our last name (kenney..rd, lane, drive, etc) what else is there? We live in a wooded area with lots of deer and moose. My husband said big buck lane, lol. Any clever ones?




  1. Easy Street,  

    We've arrived!

    Hard work blvd.

    Livin the dream lane

  2. Back Achers lane

  3. Terra Ryzing Lane.

    Humorous (there is actually one of these out there somewhere)  Broomrape Lane.

    Babylon Heights Rd

    Hunters Point

    Headlight Lane (its a driveway with cars, deers are around....get it?)

    Enigma Drive

  4. easy street ..if he had been a cop ..lets be avenue

  5. Tanglewood Lane

  6. Big Tree Lane

  7. McPimping Drive.  

  8. amazon way

  9. shady dr.

  10. wildlife dr.

  11. I like your husbands. How about Big Buck Way.

  12. Mooseknuckle  

  13. Grubstake

  14. moose lane

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