
Need a runners watch that is good for measuring distance.?

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My husband and I are training for our first marathon and our mileage is getting to the point where driving around trying to figure out our mileage is getting annoying. We want something that will ACCURATELY calculate our distance, preferrably not costing an arm and a leg. We don't neccessarily need all of the fancy bells and whistles. Any suggestions?




  1. Besides the GPS watches (Garmin 201, 205, 305, 405 and Timex, and I don't know any of the others), a cheap option that still saves driving is to measure online, with, or even just with google maps.

  2. If you got to a Timex outlit store, they have a watch that has GPS that measures your speed, distance, and your heartbeat (optional). It is the only watch that Timex sells in stores that measures distance, and I got mine on sale for about $150.00. I think it's called the Ironman Triatholan (sorry for spelling)

  3. I'm a big fan of the Garmin Forerunner series.

    If you're training in wide open spaces not near any tall buildings or lots of tree coverings, you could get away with using the Garmin Forerunner 201. However, if you're running in downtown areas, or places with lots of shade, consider the Forerunner 205 which offers a stronger satellite (plus a bit more accuracy) and a bit of a different design.

    The 305 is the same as the 205, however it offers a heart rate monitor feature. They also recently introduced the 405, but that's a bit on the pricey side.

    Each of the models tells you your time, pace, distance and you can set it to show different features (lap time, time of day, previous mile's time, current mile's time, pace, etc.).

    I had the 201 but upgraded to the 205 last year. It definitely improved my approach to running. You should check the classified sections of some running messageboards and see if anyone is selling theirs.

  4. Gamin forerunner is an excellent GPS watch for this.

    or the cheaper route, buy a better quality pedometer (around $30-50dollars) and it will measure your distance.

    or go to your local running store and they will give you routes with distances for your training.

    My husband had a  device on his road bike and measured the distances that way (or sometimes buy car, we would go through drive thru, get a large coffee and go for a nice drive and measure the distance)

    GOOD LUCK on your first marathon!  My husband and I did our first last year at the Royal Victoria Marathon 07.  We had a blast!

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